STATE OF NEW YORK                        










Prospective Drug Utilization Review/

Electronic Claims Capture and Adjudication

ProDUR/ECCA Provider Manual






July 26, 2006

Version 1.18






1.0      INTRODUCTION 1.0.1


2.1      Access Methods. 2.1.1

2.2      Card Swipe. 2.2.1

2.3      Response Formats 2.3.1

2.4      Electronic Claims Capture and Adjudication (ECCA) 2.4.1

2.5      Medicare and Third Party Claims 2.5.1

Chart 1 – Recipient with Coverage Codes K, M, O or ALL on file. 2.5.3

Chart 2 - Recipient without Coverage Codes on file. 2.5.4

2.6      Rebills/Adjustment Information. 2.6.1

2.7      Refills Information 2.7.1

2.8      Health Care Financing Administration Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) 2.8.1

2.9      HCPCS Quantities 2.9.1

2.10    Dispensing Validation System 2.10.1

2.11    Prior Auth Type Code and Prior Auth Number Submitted. 2.11.1

2.12    Temporary Medicaid Authorizations. 2.12.1

2.13    Excess Income/Spenddown Claims 2.13.1

2.14    Duplicate Claim Transactions 2.14.1

3.0      Pro-DUR PROCESSING 3.0.1

3.1      DUR Response Fields 3.1.1

Reason For Service (Conflict Code) 3.1.1

Clinical Significance. 3.1.1

Other Pharmacy Indicator (529-FT) 3.1.3

Previous Date of Fill (530-FU) 3.1.3

Quantity of Previous Fill (531-FV) 3.1.3

Database Indicator (532-FW) 3.1.3

Other Prescriber Indicator (533-FX) 3.1.3

Conflict Code Free Text Descriptions. 3.1.4


4.1      DUR Override 4.0.1

4.2      Utilization Threshold (UT) Override 4.2.1

5.0      Pro-DUR/ECCA Input Information 5.0.1

5.1      Header Information Fields 5.0.1

5.2      Claim Information Fields 5.2.1



8.0      MESSAGE CHARTS 8.0.1

9.0      MEVS ACCEPTED CODES - TABLE 1 9.0.1

10.0    MEVS DENIAL CODES - TABLE 2 10.0.1

11.0    CO-PAYMENT CODES - TABLE 6 11.0.1

12.0    Rx DENIAL CODES - TABLE 7 12.0.1

13.0    PHARMACY UT/P & C CODES - TABLE 8 13.0.1


15.0    PEND REASON CODES – TABLE 10 15.0.1

16.0    NCPDP REJECT CODES 16.0.1




1.0        INTRODUCTION  (Rev. 11/03)


The New York State Department of Health (DOH) has implemented a program that allows the pharmacy community to submit MEVS transactions in an online real-time environment that performs a Prospective Drug Utilization Review (Pro-DUR). This program was implemented on June 1, 1994 and is currently being administered by the eMedNY contractor. In order to receive payment for services rendered, all pharmacies must submit their transactions through the online ProDUR system. An optional feature of the ProDUR program is the Electronic Claim Capture and Adjudication (ECCA) of claims by the eMedNY contractor. The purpose of the Pro-DUR program is to be in compliance with OBRA 90 mandated Pro-DUR requirements. This program will check all prescriptions with prescription drugs the recipient has taken over the past 90 days and alert the pharmacists to possible medical problems associated with dispensing the new drug.


The telecommunication standards for the Pro-DUR/ECCA system are the same as those recommended by the National Council for Prescription Drug Program, Inc. (NCPDP) and named under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Only the NCPDP 5.1 Telecommunications standard and the 1.1 Batch formats are supported. The New York State format specifications were developed by using the Official Release of the NCPDP Version 5 Release 1 standard and the 1.1 Batch standard. The NCPDP Official Release is available to NCPDP members from the following address:








National Council for Prescription Drug Programs Inc.

9240 East Raintree Drive

Scottsdale, AZ 85260

(480) 477-1000





2.0        GENERAL INFORMATION  (Rev. 02/05)


The mandatory Pro-DUR/ECCA program was implemented June 1, 1994 and is currently being administered by the eMedNY contractor. In order to receive payment for services rendered, all pharmacies must submit their transactions through the online Pro-DUR program using the NCPDP transaction format. Each pharmacy must choose an access method for these transactions. It is also each pharmacy's decision as to whether the transactions go directly to the eMedNY contractor or through a switch company, which in turn sends the transactions to the eMedNY contractor for processing.


Each online claim transaction is processed through the eligibility edits first, then through the Utilization Threshold (UT), Post and Clear (P&C), DUR, and Dispensing Validation System processing, if warranted. An accepted transaction gives you all the necessary UT, P&C and DUR authorizations in addition to recipient eligibility information. There is no need to do an eligibility or UT service authorization inquiry on the Verifone Omni 3750 Terminal or via telephone.


If you are already processing your transactions online, you should not be sending the same transaction through the Verifone Omni 3750 Terminal (transaction 1). This causes two service authorizations to be issued and increases the UT counts for the recipient. A recipient could reach his/her UT limit in error if double service authorizations were posted.


The Pro-DUR/ECCA online system is an adjudication system. The dollar amount returned in the online response is not the amount that you will be paid. It is the maximum reimbursable unit price amount.


The online system was designed to allow for capture and adjudication of the electronic submission. It is each pharmacy's option as to whether the claim data should be immediately captured online by the eMedNY contractor for payment or if the actual claim will be sent by the provider using paper or electronic batch .



2.1       Access Methods  (Rev. 02/05)


There are four potential access methods for submission of claims through the DUR system:


·         PC to host - your Personal Computer will directly dial the MEVS host.


·         CPU to CPU - your computer system has a dedicated communication line directly into the MEVS host processor.


·         CPU to CPU through a switching company - your Personal Computer will access the MEVS host through a switching company. This access could be through dial up or leased line. The switching company will have a direct line into the MEVS host processor.


·         eMedNY eXchange – a web-based application used to submit HIPAA compliant batch transactions to the eMedNY system. This method works in a similar fashion to email, where transaction files are sent as an attachment, and delivered after processing to the users inbox.


Providers must select one of the alternate access methods. If they choose not to use a switching company, they must become certified with the eMedNY contractor to verify their ability to access and process within the MEVS system. Submission via PC-Host or CPU-CPU access (switch or direct) allows up to a maximum of four claims per transaction.


Note:      Switching companies or software vendors may restrict claims per transaction to less than four.


Pharmacies selecting the PC-to-Host access method must call 1-800-343-9000 to request a contract and certification package. If choosing to access through a switch, pharmacies must notify the switch and the switch company must notify the eMedNY contractor of the pharmacy’s name and MMIS provider number.


Once a pharmacy has selected an alternate access method, they will receive communication protocol information from the eMedNY contractor or from their switching company. For more information on these access methods OR if you would like a copy of the Pro-DUR/ECCA Standards Manual please contact the Provider Services Department at 1-800-343-9000.



2.2       Card Swipe  (Rev. 11/03)


The card swipe function will still be available on the Verifone Omni 3750 Terminal for pharmacy providers who are designated by NYSDOH Quality Assurance and Audit Office as card swipe providers. Designated pharmacies must swipe the recipient's card on the Verifone Omni 3750 Terminal using transaction type 5, prior to entering the online DUR transaction. No DATA should be entered on the Verifone Omni 3750 Terminal. The eMedNY contractor will match the transactions to ensure that a swipe was performed. Only transaction type 5 will register and match the swipe to the online DUR transaction. The swipe only has to be done once for each recipient per date of service, regardless of the number of prescriptions being filled that day for that particular recipient.



2.3       Response Formats  (Rev. 11/03)


Responses will be returned via the same alternate access method as the input transaction. The response for each claim will either be accepted or rejected. If the claim is rejected, reject codes will be provided to identify the nature of the problem.


If the claim has passed all edits and is acceptable, a C (Captured) will be returned in the prescription (claim) response status code. Each prescription (claim) in the transaction will have a prescription response. If multiple claims are entered on one transaction, it is possible some will be "C" and some will be "R" (Reject). The presence of a "C" does not mean that the claim has been electronically captured for adjudication by the eMedNY contractor. Refer to the ECCA section, on page 2.4.1 for further information.


Reject codes may appear in one or more of the following fields: NCPDP Reject Codes will be returned in the Reject Code (511-FB) field. MEVS Accepted and Denial Codes listed in Table 1 (page 9.0.1) and Table 2 (page 10.0.1), Rx Denial codes listed in Table 7 (page 12.0.1), UT/PC Codes listed in Table 8 (page 13.0.1), DVS codes listed in Table 9 (page 14.0.1), and the Pend Reason Codes listed in Table 10 (page 15.0.1) will be returned in the Additional Message Info (526-FQ) field. If a claim is rejected, an NCPDP Reject Code will always be returned in the Reject Code (511-FB) field and may have a corresponding MEVS Code placed in the Additional Message Info (526-FQ) field to further clarify the error. Both fields should always be reviewed. The valid NCPDP and MEVS Codes can be found in the tables at the end of this manual.


DUR denials will be returned via the rejected response format and will be found in the DUR/PPS Segment data fields. DUR warnings can be returned in both the approved and rejected response formats. Each submitted claim could have three (3) possible DUR responses. If a claim has three denial responses and also has warnings, only the denials will be returned. Additional information on DUR Response Data can be found in the Pro-DUR Processing section.


Note:      5.1 NCPDP Eligibility transactions do not validate the Prescribing Provider's enrollment in the Medical Assistance Program. In addition, they do not verify the Referring Provider for managed care enrollees and clients that are restricted to certain Providers.


2.4       Electronic Claims Capture and Adjudication (ECCA)  (Rev. 12/05)


The Electronic Claim Capture and Adjudication feature is optional. Providers may elect to have their online claims captured electronically by the eMedNY contractor for editing and final adjudication.


Captured claims will be fully edited for completeness and validity of the format of the entered data. There is a possibility that claims captured by the eMedNY contractor for final adjudication may be pended and subsequently denied. When a captured claim is pended, final adjudication results will appear on the remittance statement produced from the eMedNY contractor processing cycle in which the claim either approved for payment or denied. All claim processing edits are performed during the adjudication process. An advantage of ECCA is that it saves the pharmacy from having to file the claims separately.


Pharmacies that choose to use the ECCA option must select a Personal Identification Number (PIN) and forward that number to NYSDOH for processing. The PIN selection form can be found on the website under Information – Provider Enrollment Forms. Additionally, the pharmacy must also have an Electronic Transmitter Identification Number (ETIN) (a/k/a TSN or Transmission Supplier Number) on file with the eMedNY contractor. To obtain an ETIN, or for more information, call 800 343-9000 (Option 5). Remittances for claims submitted for ECCA will be returned to you via the media you select.  If you choose your own ETIN, you can select paper or HIPAA 835 electronic remittance. Once the eMedNY contractor has assigned you an ETIN, you must complete a Certification Statement.


If you wish your claim electronically captured, you must enter the required data in the Processor Control Number (104-A4) field. The required data is the Read Certification Statement, Pharmacist's Initials, PIN, and ETIN. If your Electronic Transmitter Identification Number (ETIN) is four digits, then you may leave off the “Y” in the first space of the Processor Control Number (104-A4) field. Further details of all input fields are explained in the input data section of this manual.


If the Processor Control Number (104-A4) field is completed properly and the claim is not rejected for an edit, a “C” is returned in the response. Spaces will be returned in the Authorization Number (503-F3) field, indicating that the claim was captured and processed for adjudication. If the Processor Control Number (104-A4) field is completed and a “C” is returned in the response with the message NO CLAIM TO FA in the Authorization Number (503-F3) field, this indicates that the claim was captured for Service Authorization, but was not processed for adjudication by the eMedNY contractor.


If a claim has passed all eligibility, UT, P&C, claim history, DUR and DVS editing, a "C" is returned in the response. The NCPDP definition of "C" is Claim Captured. Some software packages may translate this code into words. Only claims that have the message NO CLAIM TO FA in the Authorization Number (503-F3) field must be submitted on paper, or electronic batch. The following types of claims cannot be submitted to the eMedNY contractor for ECCA:


1.      An original claim with a date of service more than ninety days old. However, claims over ninety days old will be processed for eligibility, UT and P&C service authorizations, but they need to be sent to the eMedNY contractor on paper, or electronic batch with the appropriate over ninety day reason indicated. Rebills and reversals are allowed to be submitted ECCA with service dates up to two years old.


2.      Durable Medical Equipment (DME) claims. DME includes any claim identified by Specialty Code 307. Please Note: DME does NOT include the product supply codes (1 alpha, 4 numeric) found in the MMIS Pharmacy Provider Manual in sections 4.2 and 4.3. Pharmacy DME Claims must be submitted using 837 Professional ASC X12N.



2.5       Medicare and Third Party Claims  (Rev. 12/05)


Third Party


A recipient's other insurance information (if any) is returned to you in the online response via the Additional Message field. If the recipient's other insurance covers drugs, either K, M, O or the word ALL will be returned in the Insurance Coverage Code position of the Additional Message Field.


For a third party claim to be successfully captured for ECCA via the variable 5.1 format, the Other Coverage Code (308-C8) field and Other Payer Amount Paid (431-DV) field must be entered. Refer to the ProDUR standards for exact formatting of the COB segment. It is extremely important that you make sure that the value entered in the Other Coverage Code field corresponds to the entry in the Other Payer Amount Paid (431-DV) field. The entry in each field must correlate to the other field and be logically correct for your claim to be accepted.


Note:      The Other Payer Amount Paid Field is an optional field and should not be submitted unless the recipient has other drug coverage and you have received reimbursement or been notified that the service is not covered by the other insurance company.



The values for field 308-C8 (Other Coverage Code) are:

0       =          Not Specified

1       =          No Other Coverage Identified

2       =          Other Coverage Exists - Payment Collected

3       =          Other Coverage Exists - This Claim Not Covered

4       =          Other Coverage Exists - Payment Not Collected

5       =          Managed Care Plan – Denial

6       =          Other Coverage Denied – Not Participating Provider

7       =          Other Coverage – Not in Effect at Time of Service

8       =          Claim is Billing for Copay


Note:      Codes 5 & 6 will be processed as 3.

            Code 7 will be processed as 1.

            Code 8 will be processed as 2.



There are several edits in place to ensure that logical entries are made in both field 308-C8 and 431-DV. The charts, on the following page, describe what the status of the claim will be based on the field entries. The edits on Chart 1 (page 2.5.3) will occur when the recipient has MEVS Insurance Coverage Codes K, M, O or ALL on file with the eMedNY contractor. Chart 2 (page 2.5.4) will occur when no MEVS Insurance Coverage Codes indicating Pharmacy coverage for the recipient are on file.


Medicare Part B


A client’s Medicare information (if any) is returned to you in the online response via the Additional Message field. If Medicare Part B covers the NDC/HCPCS code being dispensed, a claim must be submitted to Medicare first.

For a Medicare Part B Crossover claim to be successfully captured for ECCA via the variable 5.1 format, the appropriate Medicare fields must be entered. Refer to the ProDUR Standards for exact formatting of the COB Segment. The entry in each Medicare field must correlate to the entry in the other Medicare fields and be logically correct for your claim to be accepted.


Note: The Medicare fields are optional fields and should not be submitted unless you have received reimbursement from Medicare.


Medicare Part D


Prescription drugs for Medicare/Medicaid dual eligibles who have Part D coverage must be submitted to the client’s Part D Prescription Drug Plan. When submitting claims for the following situations, do not send the COB Segment:


·         Wrap around claims for drugs that are not covered by the client’s Part D Plan but are covered by NYS Medicaid may be considered for payment if submitted with a valid Medicare Verification System Coverage Determination PA.


·         Drugs/OTCs that are excluded from Part D coverage but are covered by NYS Medicaid may be submitted for payment.


Chart 1 – Recipient with Coverage Codes K, M, O or ALL on file  (Rev. 04/05)


Field 308-C8 Value

Field 431-DV Value

NCPDP Format Version

Field 104-A4 Value

Claim Status

0, 1, 4 or 7

431-DV is Not sent



Non-ECCA (Processor Control Number not sent)


The transaction will be rejected.

NCPDP Reject Code: 13 “M/I Other Coverage Code” and Response Code: 717 “Client Has Other Insurance” will be returned online.

0, 1 or 7

Not sent


ECCA (Processor Control Number sent


The transaction will be rejected.

NCPDP Reject Code: 13 “M/I Other Coverage Code” and Response Code: 717 “Client Has Other Insurance” will be returned online.

0, 1, 4 or 7

Zeros or greater





The transaction will be rejected.

NCPDP Reject Code: 13 “M/I Other Coverage Code” and Response Code: 717 “Client Has Other Insurance” will be returned online.

2 or 8

Not sent





If all other edits are passed, the transaction will be accepted for issuing service authorizations and/or DVS prior authorizations. (“C – capture” (field 112-AN) and “NO CLAIM TO FA” (field 503-F3) will be returned).

2 or 8






The transaction will be rejected.

NCPDP Reject Code: 13 “M/I Other Coverage Code” and Response Code “715 Other Payor Amount Must Be Greater Than 0” will be returned.

2 or 8

Greater than Zero



If all other edits are passed, the claim will be approved for payment. (“C - capture” (field 112-AN) and spaces will be returned in (field 503-F3). Other payor amount will be subtracted from the claim’s payment amount.

2 or 8

Greater than Zero



If all other edits are passed, the transaction will be accepted for issuing service authorizations and/or DVS prior authorizations. (“C - capture” (field 112-AN) and “NO CLAIM TO FA” (field 503-F3) will be returned).

3, 5 or 6

Zeros, blank or not sent



If all other edits are passed, the claim will be approved for payment. (“C - capture” (field 112-AN) and spaces will be returned in (field 503-F3).

3, 5 or 6




If all other edits are passed, the transaction will be accepted for issuing service authorizations and/or DVS prior authorizations. (“C - capture” (field 112-AN) and “NO CLAIM TO FA” (field 503-F3) will be returned).

3, 5 or 6

Greater than Zero





The transaction will be rejected.

NCPDP Reject Code “13 M/I Other Coverage Code” and Response Code “716 Other Payor Amount Must Be Equal to 0” will be returned.

Chart 2 – Recipient without Coverage Codes on file  (Rev. 04/05)


Field 308-C8 Value

Field 431-DV Value

NCPDP Format Version

Field 104-A4 Value

Claim Status

2 or 8

Not sent



If all other edits are passed, the transaction will be accepted for issuing service authorizations and/or DVS prior authorizations. (“C - capture” (field 112-AN) and “NO CLAIM TO FA” (field 503-F3) will be returned).

2 or 8

Not sent



If all other edits are passed, the claim will be approved for payment. (“C - capture” (field 112-AN) and spaces will be returned in (field 503-F3).

0, 1  or 7

Not sent



If all other edits are passed, the claim will be approved for payment. (“C - capture” (field 112-AN) and spaceswill be returned in (field 503-F3).

0, 1 or 7

Not sent



If all other edits are passed, the transaction will be accepted for issuing service authorizations and/or DVS prior authorizations. (“C - capture” (field 112-AN) and “NO CLAIM TO FA” (field 503-F3) will be returned).

0, 1, 3, 5, 6 or 7




If all other edits are passed, the transaction will be accepted for issuing service authorizations and/or DVS prior authorizations. (“C – capture” (field 112-AN) and “NO CLAIM TO FA”) field 503-F3) will be returned).

0, 1 or 7




If all other edits are passed, the claim will be approved for payment. (“C – capture” (field 112-AN) and spaces will be returned in (field 503-F3).

3, 5 or 6

Zeros, blank or not sent



If all other edits are passed, the claim will be approved for payment. (“C – capture” (field 112-AN) and spaces will be returned in (field 503-F3).

3, 5 or 6

Not sent



If all other edits are passed, the transaction will be accepted for issuing service authorizations and/or DVS prior authorizations. (“C - capture” (field 112-AN) and “NO CLAIM TO FA” (field 503-F3) will be returned).

0, 1, 3, 5, 6 or 7

Greater than Zero





The transaction will be rejected.

NCPDP Reject Code “DV - M/I Other Payor Amount Paid” and Response Code “320 – Other Insurance Information Inconsistent” will be returned.


Greater than Zero





Not sent or zeros




If all other edits are passed, the transaction will be accepted for issuing service authorizations and/or DVS prior authorizations. (“C - capture” (field 112-AN) and “NO CLAIM TO FA” (field 503-F3) will be returned).

2 or 8

Greater than Zero



If all other edits are passed, the transaction will be accepted for issuing service authorizations and/or DVS prior authorizations. (“C - capture” (field 112-AN) and “NO CLAIM TO FA” (field 503-F3) will be returned).

2 or 8

Greater than Zero



If all other edits are passed, the transaction will be accepted for payment. (“C - capture” (field 112-AN) and spaces  will be returned in (field 503-F3).

2 or 8








The claim will reject. NCPDP Reject Code “13 M/I Other Coverage Code” and Response Code “715 Other Payor Amount Must Be Greater Than 0” will be returned.




2.6       Rebills/Adjustment Information  (Rev. 02/05)


Rebills will be processed as adjustments to a previously submitted claim that was approved for payment. Rebills cannot be submitted for claims that are pending or were rejected.


NCPDP standards dictate that a rebill must be submitted with a Transaction Code (103-A3) field value B3 and a Transaction Count (109-A9) field of 1 through 4. The number of claim lines contained within the transaction is indicated by the Transaction Count (109-A9) field. (If one claim line is contained in the transaction, the Transaction Count should be 1. If four claim lines are contained in the transaction, the Transaction Count should be 4).


Although you will need to submit all fields required for the original claim transaction, your claims will be matched to the original claim using: Medicaid Provider Identification Number, Cardholder ID, Prescription Number, and Date Filled. If by chance these fields do not define uniqueness, meaning that more than one active claim meeting the criteria resides on the eMedNY contractor’s claims history file, the most recently submitted claim will be selected for adjustment. If you are trying to adjust the older submission, you will need to submit the rebill via paper where you can supply the Claim Reference Number of a specific claim you are trying to adjust.


Rebill transactions can be submitted for service dates up to two years old if the original transaction was submitted directly to the eMedNY contractor. This includes paper and electronic batch as well as online claim submissions.


If the rebill is adjusting a paid claim, the rebill will appear on your remittance statement. If the rebill is adjusting a paid claim, you must complete the Processor Control Number field.


You cannot adjust a non-ECCA claim to become an ECCA claim. The adjustment will apply any updated information, but the adjustment claim will remain a non-ECCA claim and the NO CLAIM TO FA response will be returned to you. If the rebill is adjusting a non-ECCA transaction, the rebill will not appear on your remittance statement.


Rebills will not affect previously established service authorization limits.


Rebills will not be allowed for original claims that generated a DVS prior approval. If a change is needed to a paid DVS claim, then you can submit the adjustment on paper or electronic batch. You may also reverse the original claim and then submit another original transaction with the corrected information.



2.7       Refills Information  (Rev. 11/03)


The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) only allows a maximum of five (5) refills on a prescription. All of the refills must be dispensed within 180 days from the date the prescription was written. Claims for refills over 180 days from the date the prescription was written will be rejected.


The New York State DUR Board has established a standard that if a refill is dispensed too early, you will receive a TD WARNING – EARLY REFILL MMDDYY warning in your DUR response. Please note that the TD WARNING – EARLY REFILL MMDDYY response is only a warning, not a DUR denial (reject).



2.8       Health Care Financing Administration Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS)  (Rev. 11/03)


These codes are also referred to as Sickroom Supplies, "Z" codes, or DME item codes and consist of a 5 digit alpha-numeric code. The valid codes can be found in sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the MMIS Pharmacy Provider Manual. For DVS, DME items are only reimbursable under COS 0442. The transaction must be sent through ePACES, Verifone Omni 3750 Terminal or 278 ASC X12N.


The 5 digit alpha-numeric codes must be submitted in the Product/Service ID (407-D7) field along with the Product/Service ID Qualifier (436-E1) field, which identifies the number being sent. A qualifier of ‘09’ must be used in the NCPDP 5.1 format. If the code and the qualifier are not submitted in these fields, your claim will be rejected.


When submitting HCPCS codes, ensure that the following fields are correctly completed:





Compound Code

Must contain a zero or one. Use zero for DVS transactions.

Product/Service ID Qualifier

Must contain a value of ’09’.

Product/Service ID

HCPCS 5 characters in length plus 2 blanks


A correct entry in the Product/Service ID field would look as follows:




Note: Where bb equal two blanks or BO modifier.




When submitting HCPCS if a modifier is required, append to the HCPCS code.


2.9       HCPCS Quantities  (Rev. 11/03)


Be aware that the Quantity/Size listed in the MMIS Provider Manual for each HCPCS code is not usually the quantity that should be entered in the Quantity Dispensed (442-E7) field. The quantities listed in the manual refer to ounces, milligrams, sizes, units or the number contained in each unit (box, package, bottles, etc). The entry in the Quantity Dispensed (442-E7) field should be the number of units dispensed.


The following examples are listed to help clarify the correct Quantity Dispensed (442-E7) field entries.











Butterfly Clamps

100's (up to 1)

0000001000 (1 box dispensed)

1 box


Plastic Strips


0000002000 (2 boxes of 50 dispensed)

5 boxes


Adhesive Tape

2" x 5 yd

0000003000 (3 rolls dispensed)

5 rolls


Alcohol or peroxide per pint


0000001000 (1 pint bottle dispensed)

5 bottles



each (up to 200)

0000056000 (56 needles dispensed)

200 needles


Underarm pad crutch replacement

each (up to 2)

0000001000 (1 pad dispensed)

2 pads

Note:      Decimals are implied in the Quantity Dispensed field.


Enteral Products


The Quantity Dispensed (442-E7) field for enteral products should be entered as caloric units. For example: A prescription is for Regular Ensure 1-8 oz. can/day, 30 cans with five refills. There are 75 caloric units per 30 cans (one month supply). The correct entry for the current date of service is 75000. Do not include refills.


Note: The Quantity Dispensed (442-E7) is a 10 digit field with 7 digits to the left of the decimal and 3 digits to the right.


2.10   Dispensing Validation System  (Rev. 02/05)


This function enables suppliers of prescription footwear items, specified drugs, certain medical surgical supplies and durable medical equipment to receive a prior approval number (DVS number) through an automated electronic MEVS system. The DVS transaction can be submitted through the NCPDP 5.1 format. The claims processing system will recognize an item/NDC code requiring a DVS number and will process the transaction through all required editing. If approved, and if the item/NDC code is reimbursable under category of service 0441, 0161 or 0288, the DVS number will be returned in the Additional Message (526-FQ) field and the claim will be processed for adjudication (if ECCA is requested). Only items reimbursable under Category of Service 0441, 0161 or 0288 (Rx) will be processed through ECCA. Items, which are only reimbursable under Category of Service 0442 (DME), cannot be submitted through the NCPDP 5.1 format. The DVS Prior Approval must be requested through the Verifone Omni 3750 Terminal or 278 ASC X12N transaction. The claim must be billed using 837 Professional ASC X12N or HCFA 1500 Claim Form. Be sure to put the DVS number on the claim.


Important Information Regarding DVS Transactions


·         Transactions for both NDC’s and HCPCS can be submitted using the 5.1 format, if reimbursable under COS 0441, 0161 or 0288.


·         Although multiple claim lines per transaction can be submitted, only one DVS claim line item can be submitted per transaction and the DVS line must be the first line item within the transaction.


·         Item codes that require a DVS number will not be processed through the UT, P & C or DUR programs. Prescription Drugs that require a DVS number will be subject to UT, P & C and DUR processing.


·         Only current dates of service will be accepted for DVS transactions.



2.11   Prior Auth Type Code and Prior Auth Number Submitted  (Rev. 02/05)



The Prior Auth Type Code (461-EU) field is a two (2) position numeric field. There are two values expected by NYSDOH for this field.


01 = Prior Authorization. If this value is used, then Prior Auth Number Submitted (462-EV) field must contain the eleven-digit Prior Approval number. If reporting an eight digit Prior Approval, enter the eight digit number followed by three zeros.


04 = Exemption from co-pay. Use to indicate the recipient is exempt. If this value is used, the eleven position numeric 462-EV field is not submitted unless a previously obtained Prior Approval is being reported on the claim and the recipient is also exempt from co-pay.


The Prior Auth Number Submitted (462-EV) field is an eleven (11) position numeric field. If reporting a prior authorization, use a value (01) in 461-EU field. Send the eleven-digit prior authorization number.  If reporting an eight digit prior authorization, enter the eight digit number, followed by three zeros.


If the patient is exempt from co-pay, submit a value (04) in 461-EU field.

Do not send Prior Auth Number Submitted (462-EV) field unless the claim also requires a

prior authorization.




2.12   Temporary Medicaid Authorizations  (Rev. 12/05)


There have been increasing concerns regarding Medicaid provider acceptance of the Temporary Medicaid Authorization (DSS-2831A), especially from pharmacy providers. When an applicant is determined eligible and has an immediate medical need, the local district may issue a Temporary Medicaid Authorization pending the client receipt of a permanent Common Benefit Identification Card.


Please be aware that a mechanism is in place to reimburse providers for rendering services to a client with a Temporary Medicaid Authorization. Providers should first make a copy of all Temporary Medicaid Authorizations for their records. These claims cannot be submitted by pharmacies through the online Pro-DUR/ECCA program because eligibility is not yet on the files and may not have been determined yet. Pharmacy providers must put the Number 4 in the Service Authorization Exception field and submit the claim directly to the eMedNY contractor via paper. The claim will pay upon the local district verifying eligibility in WMS. If the claim pends for client ineligibility, wait for the final adjudication of the claim. This information will appear on your remittance statement. If the final adjudication of the claim results in a denial for client ineligibility, please contact NYS DOH, OMM Local District Support Unit. For Upstate recipients call 518 474-8887; the number for New York City recipients is 212 417-4500.



2.13   Excess Income/Spenddown Claims  (Rev. 01/04)


Unlike the Temporary Medicaid Authorizations mentioned on the preceding page, these claims can be submitted through the online Pro-DUR/ECCA program. To properly submit a spenddown claim, the Eligibility Clarification Code (309-C9) field must contain a value of two (2) and the Patient Paid Amount (433-DX) field should contain the amount of the spenddown paid by the recipient, even if that amount is zero. These claims will not be processed through the eligibility edits. If the claim passes all other editing and you have elected the ECCA option, your claim will be captured and pended by the eMedNY contractor waiting for the WMS eligibility file update from the local district to indicate that the spenddown has been met. If the eligibility information does not appear in a timely manner on the eMedNY contractor file, the claim will be denied.


The Eligibility Clarification Code (309-C9) field may also be used to report a Nursing Home Override in those instances where the Client’s file shows residency within an In-State Skilled Nursing Facility that covers pharmacy services. The override procedure may be used to resubmit a previously denied claim. If the Client has been discharged but the eMedNY Contractors’ file shows that the Client still resides in the Skilled Nursing Facility, you may submit an override. This will result in a pend status which will give the local districts time to update the Client’s file. If the update is not received within 30 days, the claim will deny.



2.14   Duplicate Claim Transactions  (Rev. 11/03)


When an online claim transaction is sent to the MEVS, it will be matched against previously captured (approved) claims. If the transaction is determined to be an exact duplicate of a previously approved claim, the MEVS will return a “C” in the Transaction Response Status (112-AN) field. The remaining response fields will contain the data that was returned in the original response. The following fields will be examined to determine if the original captured response will be issued:


·                     Service Provider Number (201-B1 on Transaction Header Segment)

·                     Cardholder ID Number (302-C2 on Insurance Segment)

·                     Date of Service (401-D1 on Transaction Header Segment)

·                     Prescription/Service Reference # (402-D2 on Claim Segment)

·                     Fill Number (403-D3 on Claim Segment)

·                     Prior Auth Number Submitted (462-EV on Claim Segment)

·                     Product/Service ID (407-D7)


If identical data exists only in certain subsets of the above fields, your claim will be rejected for NCPDP Reject Code 83 “Duplicate Paid/Captured Claim” unless prior approval was obtained for one of the two conflicting transactions (meaning Prior Auth Number Submitted (462-EV) field would need to contain a PA Number on one claim, and no PA Number for the other claim.)


For example, a NCPDP Reject Code of 83 “Duplicate Paid/Captured Claim” is returned when a claim is submitted and the Service Provider Number, Cardholder ID, and Prior Approval Number fields match a previous paid claim and one of the following conditions also exists:


·           Prescription Service Reference Number matches, but NDC/HCPCS is different.

·           NDC/HCPCS matches, but Prescription Service Reference Number is different.

·           Prescription Service Reference Number and Fill Number is the same, but the Date of Service is different.


If the original transaction was non-ECCA and the duplicate transaction is ECCA, the transaction response will be the original non-ECCA response. No adjudication process will occur.



3.0        Pro-DUR PROCESSING  (Rev. 11/03)


A drug history profile is maintained for all recipients. This file contains a record for each accepted prescription or OTC item entered through the ProDUR system. Each prescription on the drug profile is assigned an expiration date. This date is calculated using the date filled plus the days supply.


All prescription and OTC transactions are compared to the recipient's drug profile. If the new prescription falls within the active date range (date filled plus days supply) and a conflict exists, a DUR response will be returned. ProDUR editing is not performed on compound drugs or sickroom supplies. DUR editing will also be performed for the majority of the denial codes on Table 2 (page 10.0.1), Table 7 (page 12.0.1), Table 8 (page 13.0.1) and Table 9 (page 14.0.1).


The DUR edits are based on the clinical database compiled by First DataBank. This information is used to administer the New York State Medicaid Pro-DUR program under the direction of the DUR Board.


Up to three (3) DUR related conflicts can be identified and returned for each drug submitted. Information about these conflicts is returned in the response in order of importance.


Conflicts detected by the Pro-DUR editing may result in reject or warning conditions. At present, there are only two conditions that will cause a requested drug to be rejected: clinical significance (severity) one (1) condition from the Therapeutic Duplication edit and clinical significance one (1) condition from the Drug-Drug Interaction edit. Any other DUR response is a warning and will not cause the claim to be rejected. If a DUR reject is returned for a drug, no DUR, UT, P&C, or DVS authorizations will be retained for the claim. In order to get the necessary authorizations from the Pro-DUR system to dispense a drug that has been rejected by the DUR edits, an override request must be submitted. Overrides are discussed further in the Override Processing section.


The following series of edits are performed by the Pro-DUR system:


Therapeutic Duplication (TD)

The Therapeutic Duplication edit checks the therapeutic class of the new drug against the classes of the recipient's current, active drugs already dispensed.


Drug-Drug Interactions (DD)

The Drug-Drug Interaction edit matches the new drug against the recipient's current, active drugs to identify clinically relevant interactions.


Drug-Disease Contraindications (DC)

The Drug-Disease Contraindications edit determines whether the new drug is potentially harmful to the individual's disease condition. The active drugs on drug history determine the recipient’s disease condition(s).


Drug Pregnancy Alert (PG)

Drug Pregnancy Alert warnings are returned for females between the ages of 13 and 52 on new drugs that may be harmful to pregnant women.




Pediatric Precautions (PA)

Pediatric Precautions are returned for children under the age of eighteen (18) on new drugs that may be harmful to children.


Lactation Precautions (PG)

Lactation Precautions are returned for females between the ages of 13 and 52 on new drugs that may be harmful to nursing women or their babies.


Geriatric Precautions (PA)

Geriatric Precautions are returned for adults over the age of 60 on new drugs that may be harmful to older adults.


High Dose Alert (HD)

A High Dose Alert is returned if the dosage for the new drug exceeds the maximum dosage recommended for the recipient's age group.


Low Dose Alert (LD)

A Low Dose Alert is returned if the dosage for the new drug is below the minimum dosage recommended for the recipient's age group.




3.1       DUR Response Fields  (Rev. 11/03)


The following information is returned in the response from the Pro-DUR system for each identified DUR conflict:


Drug Conflict Code (439-E4)

Clinical Significance (528-FS)

Other Pharmacy Indicator (529-FT)

Previous Date of Fill (530-FU)

Quantity of Previous Fill (531-FV)

Database Indicator (532-FW)

Other Prescriber Indicator (533-FX)

Free Text (544-FY)



Reason For Service (Conflict Code)

The Drug Conflict Code identifies the type of DUR conflict found when a new prescription is compared against the recipient's drug history file and demographics. Following are the values that may be returned as Drug Conflict Codes:


TD = Therapeutic Duplication

DD = Drug-Drug Interactions

DC = Inferred Drug Disease Precaution

PG = Drug Pregnancy Alert

PA = Drug Age Precaution

LD = Low Dose Alert

HD = High Dose Alert

Clinical Significance

The Clinical Significance is a code that identifies the severity level and how critical the conflict. The following chart lists each drug conflict code and the clinical significance codes which may be returned for that code as well as whether they are DUR rejects or warnings.








Description of Clinical Significance


Therapeutic Duplication



An Original Prescription that duplicates a therapy the recipient is already taking.




Prescription is a Refill and is being filled prior to 75% of the prior script's days supply.






Most significant. Documentation substantiates interaction is at least likely to occur in some patients, even though more clinical data may be needed. Action to reduce risk of adverse interaction usually required.




Significant. Documentation substantiates interaction is at least likely to occur in some patients, even though more clinical data may be needed. Assess risk to patient and take action as needed.




Possibly significant. Little clinical data exists. Conservative measures are recommended because the potential for severe adverse consequences is great.


Drug Disease



Absolute Contraindication. Drug Therapy for the recipient should be changed.




Precaution. The risk/benefit of therapy should be considered and the recipient's response closely monitored.





PREGNANCY There is positive evidence of human fetal risk based on adverse reaction data from investigation or marketing experience or studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks.




PREGNANCY Studies in animals or humans have demonstrated fetal abnormalities and/or there is positive evidence of human fetal risk based on adverse reaction data from investigation or marketing experience, and the risks involved in use of the drug in pregnant women clearly outweigh potential benefits.




PREGNANCY No FDA rating but is contraindicated or not recommended; may have animal and/or human studies or pre- or post-marketing information.




LACTATION Absolute Contraindication. The Drug should not be dispensed.




LACTATION Precaution. Use of the Drug should be evaluated carefully.


Drug Age



Absolute Contraindication. Drug Therapy should be changed.


Low Dose



Prescribed dose is less than the minimum appropriate for the drug.


High Dose



Prescribed dose is greater than the maximum appropriate for the drug.



Other Pharmacy Indicator (529-FT)

The following values may be returned in the Other Pharmacy Indicator:


0          =          Not Specified

1          =          Your Pharmacy

3          =          Other Pharmacy


Previous Date of Fill (530-FU)

The Previous Date of Fill provides the date the conflicting drug was dispensed.


Quantity of Previous Fill (531-FV)

The Quantity of Previous Fill provides the quantity of the conflicting drug.


Database Indicator (532-FW)

The Database Indicator will always be returned with a value of 1 to indicate that First DataBank is the DUR database provider.


Other Prescriber Indicator (533-FX)

The Other Prescriber Indicator compares the Prescriber of the current prescription to the Prescriber of the conflicting drug from the recipient's active drug profile, and returns one of the following codes:


0          =          Not Specified

1          =          Same Prescriber

2          =          Other Prescriber



Conflict Code Free Text Descriptions


A Free Text message is returned for each conflict to provide additional information about the DUR condition. Following is a description of the Free Text:


Note:      Bold Text in the examples below represents Free Text.





For Clinical Significance 1, the name, strength, dose form and day’s supply of the conflicting drug from the Drug Profile.


















For Clinical Significance 2 the words WARNING - EARLY REFILL MMDDYY

















Note:    MMDDYY is the earliest date that the refill should be filled.


Will contain the Clinical Effect Code followed by the Drug Name from the Drug Profile of the drug interacting with the new prescription being filled. The latter drug will be the new prescription drug and the former drug will be the drug from the Drug Profile. The Clinical Effect Code will consist of one of the following values: Examples of each Clinical Effect code is included.


INF             Increased effect of former drug

















DEF            Decreased effect of former drug


















INL             Increased effect of latter drug


















DEL            Decreased effect of latter drug


















ARF            Adverse reaction of former drug


















ARL            Adverse reaction of latter drug


















MAR           Adverse reaction of both drugs


















MXF           Mixed effects of former drug


















MXL           Mixed effects of latter drug


















The description of the drug/disease contraindication.

















For pregnancy precautions the words PREGNANCY PRECAUTION

















For lactation precautions the words LACTATION PRECAUTION

















For pediatric precautions the word PEDIATRIC

















For geriatric precautions the word GERIATRIC

















For low dose precautions the recommended minimum and maximum dosage will be shown.


















For high dose precautions the recommended minimum and maximum dosage will be shown.

















4.0        OVERRIDE PROCESSING  (Rev. 11/03)


4.1       DUR Override  (Rev. 11/03)


If your claim transaction was rejected due to a DUR conflict and you intend to dispense the drug, you will need to override the conflict (if appropriate). In order to process a DUR override, the same code that was returned as the denial code (Drug Conflict Code) must be placed in the Reason for Service Code (439-E4) field. The DUR Conflict Code being sent as the override must match the DUR Conflict Code received in the response of the original transaction. A corresponding entry must also be entered in the Result of Service Code (441-E6) field. The only conflict codes that are DUR denials and reject the claim are TD (severity level 1) and DD (severity level 1). All of the other codes being returned are warnings and allow your claim to be accepted. Any attempt to override a warning will be rejected. However, we have learned that some software packages are requiring you to do internal overrides for the warnings.


At this time the only rejects that can be overridden are:


TD = Therapeutic Duplication

DD = Drug to Drug Interaction


One of the following values must be used in the Result of Service Code for DUR reject overrides:


1A = Filled as is, false positive

1B = Filled, Prescription as is

1C = Filled with Different Dose

1D = Filled with Different Directions

1E = Filled with Different Drug

1F = Filled with Different Quantity

1G = Filled with Prescriber Approval



DUR Override Documentation


If a pharmacist overrides a rejected DUR conflict, it is recommended that:


a)      The pharmacist writes the date, reason for override and his/her signature or initials on the back of the prescription.




b)      If the software permits, comment and electronically store the reason for the override in the patient profile for the specific prescription filled.



4.2       Utilization Threshold (UT) Override  (Rev. 12/05)


If you receive a reject because a recipient is at their Utilization Threshold service limit (refer to message text field, UT/P&C codes DA, DD, or DN from Table 8 on page 13.0.1), and you intend to dispense the prescription, you will need to override the UT limit. To submit a UT override, the provider must resubmit the original transaction with an entry in the Submission Clarification Code (420-DK) field. This is the field that replaces the Service Authorization (SA) Exception Code field currently used for UT overrides when billing the eMedNY contractor on paper. If multiple claims are submitted in a single transaction, this field must contain the same value for each claim submitted.


Note:      If a UT override is submitted and the recipient has not reached their UT limit, the transaction will be rejected. The following are the only acceptable values to be used in the Submission Clarification Code field if requesting a UT override.


02     =    Other Override - use to replace SA Exception code 6 (Pending an override). If 02 is indicated a "Request for increase in UT Service Limit" must be submitted by the physician or other qualified practitioner.


07     =    Medically Necessary - use to replace SA Exception Code 1 (Immediate Urgent Care) and 3 (Emergency).



5.0        Pro-DUR/ECCA Input Information  (Rev. 11/03)


This section describes the input fields required by the New York State Pro-DUR/ECCA system. The way you see this information as you provide input is largely a factor of your computer's software. In fact, some of these field values may be entered on your behalf by your software.


5.1       Header Information Fields  (Rev. 07/06)


The required header information shown in this section is needed for each transaction request that is sent to the MEVS Pro-DUR/ECCA system.


The NCPDP field numbers are shown in parenthesis at the end of the description for each field.


Following is a description of the fields that must be submitted to the Pro-DUR/ECCA system for each transaction.




Bin Number

All requests must send 004740, which identifies the New York MEVS Pro-DUR/ECCA system. In most cases, this information is automatically provided by your computer software.


Cardholder ID Number

The Cardholder ID Number is the eight position alpha numeric Medicaid Client Number (CIN) or the thirteen digit Access Number without the six digit ISO # prefix. Both of these values are provided on the recipient's benefit card.


Date of Birth

The Date of Birth is the date the recipient was born, including the century, which is provided on the recipient's benefit card. Format = CCYYMMDD


Date of Service

The Date Filled is the date the prescription was dispensed. The current date must be used for DVS transactions.



The 3 or 4 character Electronic Transmitter Identification Number entered in the Processor Control Number is assigned to the provider by the eMedNY contractor.


Patient Gender Code

The patient gender code indicates the recipient's gender as follows:

         1 = Male

         2 = Female


Person Code

The Person Code is the Sequence Number found on the recipient's benefit card in the last 2 positions of the access number.


Pharmacist's Initials

The Pharmacist's Initials entered in the Processor Control Number provides the first and last initial of the person submitting the claim.


Pharmacy Number

The Pharmacy Number is an eight digit Medicaid Provider Identification Number assigned to the pharmacy by the Department of Health.



The four digit PIN entered in the Processor Control Number is the Personal Identification Number previously selected by the provider and submitted to the Department of Health.


Pregnancy Indicator

This code will specify whether the patient is pregnant. Valid values are:

           Blank = Not Specified

           1 = Not pregnant

           2 = Pregnant


Processor Control Number

Information entered in the Processor Control Number is used to indicate that you are requesting Electronic Claim Capture and Adjudication. The following fields are required by Pro-DUR/ECCA if you are requesting your claim(s) to be captured for adjudication by the eMedNY contractor. If you have been issued a four digit ETIN, you may omit the “Y” (Read Certification Statement) Indicator in the first byte.

         Read Certification Statement Indicator

         Pharmacist's Initials





Read Certification

A (Y) entered in the Read Certification Indicator contained in the Processor Control Number indicates that you have read and attest to the agreements in the Certification Statement (refer to the Electronic Transmitter Identification Number TSN/Provider link on the eMedNY website for a copy of the Certification Statement for Provider Utilizing Electronic Billing). An "N" indicates that you have not read the Certification Statement or that you do not agree.


Service Provider ID

This field must contain the NYS Medicaid Provider number assigned by NYSDOH


Service Provider ID Qualifier

This code will qualify the entry in the Service Provider ID field (201-B1) as an MMIS Provider ID number. Acceptable entry is:

       05 = Medicaid

(Must be submitted in conjunction with provider number assigned by NYSDOH)


Software Vendor/Certification ID

Mandatory field used to identify the software source by switches and/or processors. If not available or not used between trading partners, then submit 10 spaces.


Transaction Code

This field identifies the type of transaction request being submitted. Acceptable codes are:

         E1 = Eligibility Verification with no claim submitted


         B1 = Rx Billing

P1 = P.A. Request and Billing

P4 = Prior Authorization Request Only

         B2 = Rx Reversal


B2 is used to cancel a previous transaction. Please refer to section on Reversals on page 7.0.1.

         B3 = Rx Rebill


Note: B3 is used to adjust a previously paid claim(s).


         N1 = Rx DUR only

N2 = Rx DUR Reversal

N3 = Rx DUR Rebill

N1 is used to supply DUR information only for purposes of updating a recipient's drug history file when no claim submission or reimbursement is allowed or expected.


Transaction Count

This field identifies the number of prescriptions being submitted for a specific transaction. A number from 1 to a maximum of 4 is allowed dependent on the type of transaction.

            E1 = Eligibility (1 only)

            B1 = Billing submit from 1 to 4

            B2 = Reversal submit 1 per transaction for NYS.

If reversing a four (4) line transaction submit each line on a separate B2 transaction.

            B3 = Rebill submit from 1 to 4.

            P1 = Billing with P.A. Request submit only 1

            P2 = P.A. Reversal submit only 1.

            P4 = P.A. Request Only submit only 1.

            N1 = DUR Info Report submit from 1 to 4.

            N2 = DUR Reversal submit 1 per transaction.

            N3 = DUR Rebill submit from 1 to 4.



Version/Release Number

This identifies the NCPDP version used for your transaction and is commonly provided by your computer software.

   51 = Telecommunication Format





5.2        Claim Information  (Rev. 12/05)


Following is a list of information that may be required to process a claim.




Compound Code

The Compound Code identifies the type of prescription as follows:

         0 = Not specified. Use for DVS transactions.

         1 = Not a compound - use when dispensing a prescription drug with an 11 digit NDC code.

         2 = Compound - use when dispensing a compound drug.

Please Note: 0 or 1 may be used for valid sickroom supplies if you are using the NCPDP 5.1 format. Refer to sections 4.2 and 4.3 in the MMIS Pharmacy Provider Manual. The 837 Professional ASC X12N MUST be used for sickroom supplies that are only billable under Category of Service 0442.


Date Prescription Written

The Date the Prescription was written is entered in this field. The Date Prescription Written must be no more than 60 days prior to the Date Filled for original scripts. For Refills, the Date Prescription Written cannot be over 180 days old from the Date Filled.


Days Supply

The Days Supply is the estimated number of days that the prescription should last. New York State does not accept a days supply greater than 366. When the prescription's directions state "take as directed" (PRN), it is strongly advised that 180 be entered as the days supply.


Dispense As Written

(DAW)/Product Selection


Acceptable values for the Dispense As Written (DAW) code are as follows:

       0 = No product selection

       1 = Substitution not allowed by prescriber

       4 = Substitution allowed - Generic Drug not in stock

       5 = Substitution allowed - Brand Drug dispensed as a Generic

       7 = Substitution not allowed - Brand Drug mandated by Law

       8 = Substitution allowed - Generic Drug not available in the Marketplace


Eligibility Clarification Code

The Eligibility Clarification Code is used to indicate:

·        An eligibility override for Excess Income/Spenddown recipients when the spenddown has been met but eligibility has not been updated on file.


·        To resubmit a previously denied claim when a Client is a Resident of an In-State Skilled Nursing Facility or Health Related Facility which includes coverage for pharmacy services. When the Client has been discharged and the records still reflect residency within the Facility, the claim may be incorrectly denied. An override may be submitted which will result in a pend status, giving the local district time to update the Client’s file. Recognized value is:

       2 = Override



Fill Number

The New/Refill Code values are as follows:

       00   =   New Prescription

       01   =   First Refill

       02   =   Second Refill

       03   =   Third Refill

       04   =   Fourth Refill

       05   =   Fifth Refill

The maximum number of refills allowed is 5. This value cannot be greater than the Number of Refills Authorized.


Number of Refills


The Number of Refills Authorized is entered in this field. New York State only allows a maximum of 5 refills.


Other Coverage Code

Medicare Part D:

·            For drugs/OTCs excluded by Medicare Part D but covered by NYS Medicaid, do not send the COB Segment.

·            For wrap around claims submitted with a valid Medicare Verification Coverage Determination PA, do not send the COB Segment.

This field is used by the pharmacy to indicate whether or not the patient has other insurance coverage. (308-C8) Valid entries NYSDOH are:

0 = Not Specified – Use for Medicare Part B

1 = No Other Coverage Identified

2 = Other Coverage Exists, Payment Collected

3 = Other Coverage Exists, This Claim Not Covered.

4 = Other Coverage Exists, Payment Not Collected

The following codes if submitted will be cross-indexed as follows:

5 = Managed Care Plan – Denial is equated to 3

6 = Other Coverage Denied – Not Participating Provider is equated to 3

7 = Other Coverage – Not in Effect at Time of Service is equated to 1

8 = Claim is Billing for Co-pay is equated to 2



Other Payor Amount Paid

For TPL:

Enter the dollar amount of payments made by the other insurance. A maximum of 9 amounts can be submitted.

This field is used by the pharmacy to enter the dollar amount received from a recipient’s other third party insurance company.

Note: If other third party coverage exists but the claim being submitted is not covered, enter zeros or blanks in this field. You may also choose not to send this field if the primary carrier has denied the claim. Refer to the chart in Section 2.5 on page 2.5.1 for information on the proper completion of this field.




Enter a series of dollar amounts with the appropriate qualifiers to identify the type of Medicare Part B amount submitted.

Refer to the Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier (342-HC) below

Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier

This code will qualify the other payer amount. Valid value for TPL reporting is:

07 = Drug Benefit



This code will qualify the other payer amount. Valid values for Medicare Part B COB (Coordination of Benefits) reporting are:

07 = Drug Benefit (used for Medicare Approved Amount)

08 = Sum All Reimbursements (used for Medicare Paid Amount)

99 = Other (1st   99 = Deductible Amount)

99 = Other (2nd   99 = Coinsurance Amount)

99 = Other (3rd   99 = Co-Payment Amount)


Other Payer ID

ID assigned to the payer when submitting electronically.

For TPL, enter any valid value that identifies the Third Party Payer.

ID assigned to the payer when submitting Medicare Part B COB claims.

For Medicare use:

13 = Medicare Part B.


Other Payer Date

Payment of denial Date of the claim being submitted for coordination of benefits.


Other Payer Amount Paid Count

Other payer amount paid count which is the count of other payer amount occurrences.


Other Payer ID Qualifier

Code qualifying the ‘Other Payer ID’. (340-7C)

NYSDOH will process any valid value in conjunction with the Other Payer ID.

Examples would be, but not limited to the following:

01 = National Payer ID

02 = Health Industry Number (HIN)

03 = Bank Information Number (BIN)

99 = Other

For Medicare use:

99 = Qualifies Medicare Part B


Other Payer Coverage Type

Code identifying the Other Payer ID. (340-7C)

01 = Primary

02 = Secondary

03 = Tertiary.


Other Payer Reject Count

Code identifying the number of third party denial codes.


Other Payer Reject Code

Enter the rejection code that was received from the primary payer.


Patient Paid Amount Submitted

This field is used by the pharmacy to enter the dollar amount collected as a spenddown from an excess income recipient.

Note: If the spenddown was previously met but the eligibility file has not yet been updated, enter zeroes in this field. Refer to Section 2.13 on page 2.13.1 for additional information on this field.


Primary Care Provider ID

The Primary Prescriber is used to enter the 8 digit MMIS Provider ID Number of the primary provider to which the recipient is restricted. This field must be completed for a restricted recipient unless you are the primary provider or the primary provider is indicated as the prescriber in field 411-DB.


Primary Care Provider ID Qualifier

This code will qualify the entry in field (421-DL). Primary Care Provider ID field has a 8 digit Medicaid Provider ID number. Valid values are:

            05 = Medicaid


Prior Authorization Number Submitted

The Prior Authorization Number Submitted is used to enter a prior approval number. The format for this field is: an eleven digit prior approval number or if reporting an 8 digit prior approval, enter the eight digit number, followed by 3 zeros. Refer to Section 2.11 on page 2.11.1 for additional information on this field.


Prior Authorization Type Code

This code will specify co-pay exemption or clarify a Prior Authorization request or submission. Valid values are:

   00 = Not specified

   01 = Prior Authorization

   04 = Exemption from co-pay


Prescriber ID

The Prescriber ID is the Ordering Provider who wrote the prescription. Either the ordering provider's MMIS Provider ID number or profession code and license number must be entered. Refer to MEVS Denial code 056 in Table 2 on page 10.0.1 for further clarification.


Prescriber ID Qualifier

The code entered will qualify the entry in the Prescriber ID (411-DB) field as either a MMIS Provider ID or a State License number. Valid values are:

       05 = Medicaid

       08 = State License


Prescription/Service Reference Number

The Prescription Number is assigned by the pharmacy.

Reference number assigned by the provider for the dispensed drug / product and/or service provided.


Prescription/Service Reference Number Qualifier

Indicates the type of billing submitted.

Valid Values are:

           1 = Rx Billing

NYSDOH only supports prescription billing.


Product/Service ID Number

The NDC Number is the 11 digit National Drug Code identifying the dispensed drug. When using compounds use code 99999999999.


Product/Service ID Qualifier

The Product/Service ID Qualifier is used to identify the Product Type dispensed. This field must contain a HCPCS "09" when the item dispensed is a product supply item (sections 4.2 and 4.3 in the MMIS Pharmacy Provider Manual), or for item codes requiring a DVS number which were published in a list.

09 = HCPCS

03 = NDC


Reason for Service Code

The DUR Conflict Code is used to indicate an override for a DUR reject of a previously entered claim. Acceptable values are:

       TD  =   Therapeutic Duplication

       DD  =   Drug to Drug Interaction


Result of Service Code

The DUR Outcome Code is used to indicate the action taken by the pharmacist, and is required for a DUR override. Acceptable values are:

       1A  =   Filled as is, false positive

       1B  =   Filled, Prescription as is

       1C  =   Filled with Different Dose

       1D  =   Filled with Different Directions

       1E  =   Filled with Different Drug

       1F  =   Filled with Different Quantity

       1G  =   Filled with Prescriber Approval


Scheduled Prescription ID Number

NYSDOH requires the Prescription Pad Serial Number of the Official New York State Prescription blank / form in order to process a claim.


Submission Clarification Code

The Submission Clarification Code is used to indicate a Utilization Threshold override and replaces the use of the SA Exception Code. Following are the recognized values:

       00   =   Not Specified

       01   =   No Override

       02   =   Other Override - use to replace SA Exception Code 6 (pending an override)

       07   =   Medically Necessary - use to replace SA Exception Code 1 (Immediate Urgent Care) & 3 (Emergency).

Note: These are the only values used for UT Override by NYSDOH when using the NCPDP format. Any other value entered in this field will be ignored. (420-DK)

Quantity Dispensed

The Quantity Dispensed is the total number of Metric Units dispensed for the prescription.


Usual and Customary


The Usual and Customary Charge is used to enter the amount charged for the prescription.




6.0        PRO-DUR/ECCA RESPONSE MESSAGES  (Rev. 12/05)


The information that is received from the New York State Department of Health (DOH) Pro-DUR/ECCA system will vary depending upon whether the claim has been accepted or rejected. A separate response will be received for each claim submitted. For example, if three claims are submitted at a time, three responses will be returned from Pro-DUR/ECCA.


The NCPDP field numbers are shown in parenthesis at the end of the description for each field.


Following is a description of the information returned from Pro-DUR/ECCA for each request that is sent.




Header Response Status

An A (Accepted) will be returned if the information in the transmission is valid. An R (Rejected) will be returned if the information in the transmission is invalid. Further clarification of the reject will be indicated by NCPDP Reject codes and in the Message Area.

Note: When an R is returned in the Header Response Status, all of the claims submitted on this request transaction will be rejected.





Following is a description of the information that will be returned from Pro-DUR/ECCA for each claim sent.


Note:      The following field descriptions are in alphabetical order and not necessarily the order in which they appear in the response.





Additional Message Info

The Additional message area, in the NCPDP format, is used to return additional MEVS information about your request transaction. Your system may separate this information to clearly identify the contents of this additional message. However, some systems may display this message as it is returned in the NCPDP format. The following information is returned in the Additional Message:

MEVS Accepted or Pending Code

Utilization Threshold/Post & Clear Code

   Maximum Per Unit Price

   Co-Payment Code

   Co-Pay Met Date

   DVS Reason Code

Medicare Coverage

   HIC Number

   Insurance Carrier Codes

   Insurance Coverage Codes

   Indication of Additional Coverage

   Restriction Information - Exception Codes

   Dispensing Validation System Number


Please refer to Chart B on page 8.0.3 for an example of the Additional Message.

The following information is returned in the Message field for rejected claims (when Claim Response = R):


   MEVS Accepted, or Denial Code

   Rx Denial Code

   Utilization Threshold/Post & Clear Code

   DVS Reason Code


Please refer to Chart C for an example of the Message. (526-FQ)

Amount of Copay/


The amount of co-pay due for the entered NDC or HCPCS (NY Product Supply Code) will be returned in the Amount of Copay/Coinsurance if the recipient has not met their co-pay or is not exempt. (518-FI)

Anniversary Month

The Anniversary Month found in the Message Text is the beginning month of the benefit year under the Utilization Threshold program. (504-F4)

Authorization Number

If ECCA was requested and all edits were passed, spaces will be returned in the Authorization Number field. Please Note: NO CLAIM TO FA will be returned if the claim is captured but cannot be processed for adjudication. Below are a few examples of when this will occur:

       Original claims over 90 days old.

       Processor Control Number blank or missing.

If a claim is captured but cannot be processed for adjudication, it must be billed via paper or electronic batch. (503-F3)

Category of Assistance

Category of Assistance Code returned within the Message Text:

       S    =   SSI

       *     =   No valid category of assistance is available


Transaction Response Status

This is the status for each claim that was submitted. A "C" indicates that the claim is accepted and/or pending, and an "R" indicates that it is rejected. A separate Claim Response Status will be received for each claim submitted on your request (1 - 4). Refer to the Reject Codes, the MEVS Denial Code, the Rx Denial Code, the Utilization Threshold/Post & Clear Code, and the Dispensing Validation Reason Code to determine why an "R" is returned in the Claim Response Status. If a "C" is returned, the Authorization Number field must be checked to determine if the claim has been electronically captured for adjudication. The MEVS Pend Response Code Table should also be checked to see if the claim is pending. (112-AN)

Clinical Significance

Clinical Significance returned within the DUR Response area indicates how critical the conflict is. This value reflects the severity level assigned to a contraindication. Refer to DUR Processing Section for a list of clinical significance codes and their meanings. (528-FS)

Co-Payment Code

The Co-Payment Code returned within the Additional Message area provides the status of co-payment for this claim. (526-FQ)

Co-Payment Met Date

The Co-Payment Met Date returned within the Additional Message area identifies the date the recipient has met this year's co-payment requirement. (526-FQ)

County Code

The two-digit code for the county of fiscal responsibility for the recipient is provided within the Message Text. Refer to the list of county codes in the Codes section of the MEVS Manual. (504-F4)

Database Indicator

The Database Indicator returned within the DUR Response area is always 1 to indicate that First DataBank is the source of the DUR database. (532-FW)

Dispensing Validation

System Number

The eleven digit DVS Number (prior approval) will be returned in the Additional Message area if the DVS transaction is accepted. The number will be automatically entered on your ECCA claim for adjudication processing. If you did not submit the claim for ECCA and are billing manually, this number must be put on your claim form. (526-FQ)

Dispensing Validation

System Reason Code

The three-digit code indicating either the accepted or rejected status of the DVS request is returned within the Additional Message area. Refer to Table 9 for the codes and descriptions. (526-FQ)

Reason for Service Code

The Reason for Service Code returned within the DUR Response area will be generated and sent back to the pharmacy when a DUR conflict is detected. Refer to DUR Processing section for further clarification. The following values may be returned.

       TD  = Therapeutic Duplication

       DD  = Drug-Drug Interactions

       DC  = Inferred Drug Disease Precaution

       PG = Drug Pregnancy Alert

       PA  = Drug Age Precaution

       LD  = Low Dose Alert

       HD  = High Dose Alert



Exception Codes

Up to four Exception Codes may be returned within the Additional Message area. These codes indicate special eligibility circumstances and can be found in the Codes section of the MEVS Provider Manual. (526-FQ)

Free Text

The Free Text returned within the DUR Response area contains information to assist the pharmacist in further identifying the DUR conflict. Please refer to the DUR Processing section. (544-FY)

HIC Number

The HIC Number returned within the Additional Message area is the Health Insurance Claim number for Medicare. (526-FQ)

Indication of Additional


A ZZ in the Indication of Additional Coverage, returned within Additional Message area, indicates that the recipient has more than two insurance carriers. You must call the Provider Services Department at 1-800-343-9000 to obtain complete information. (526-FQ)

Insurance Carrier Codes

Up to two Insurance Carrier Codes are returned within the Additional Message area to provide the codes for insurance carriers. (Also, see Insurance Coverage Codes). (526-FQ)

Insurance Coverage Codes

Up to two sets of Insurance Coverage Codes are returned within the Additional Message area. These correspond one for one to the Insurance Carrier Codes and indicate the scope of benefits. Refer to the Codes section of the MEVS Provider Manual for a description of the Insurance Coverage Codes. (526-FQ)

Maximum Per Unit Price

The Maximum Per Unit Price returned within the Additional Message Area is the per unit amount on New York State’s Drug File. The price is the maximum reimbursable unit price amount. The dollar amount returned to you in your response does not indicate the amount of payment you will receive. (526-FQ)

Medicaid Number

The Client's Identification Number (CIN) is provided within the Message Text. (504-F4)

Medicare Coverage

The Medicare Coverage code is returned within the Additional Message area and indicates the type of Medicare coverage.

A =             Recipient has only Part A Medicare coverage (inpatient hospital). A coverage code of A will be returned in the response.

B =             Recipient has only Part B Medicare coverage (outpatient). A coverage code of B will be returned in the response.

AB =          Recipient has both Part A and Part B Medicare coverage (inpatient hospital and outpatient). A coverage code of C will be returned in the response.

ABQMB =   Recipient has Part A and Part B Medicare coverage (inpatient hospital and outpatient) and is a Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB). A coverage code of Q will be returned in the response.

AQMB =     Recipient has Part A Medicare coverage (inpatient hospital) and is a Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB). A coverage code of R will be returned in the response.

BQMB =     Recipient has Part B Medicare coverage (outpatient) and is a Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB). A coverage code of S will be returned in the response.

QMB =       Recipient is a Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) only. A coverage code of T will be returned in the response.

D =             Recipient has only Part D Medicare coverage (prescription drugs). A coverage code of D will be returned in the response.

AD =          Recipient has both Part A and Part D Medicare coverage (inpatient hospital and prescription drugs). A coverage code of E will be returned in the response.


Medicare Coverage (cont)

BD =          Recipient has both Part B and Part D Medicare coverage (outpatient and prescription drugs). A coverage code of F will be returned in the response.

ABD =        Recipient has Part A and Part B and Part D Medicare coverage (inpatient hospital and outpatient and prescription drugs). A coverage code of G will be returned in the response.

ABDQMB =  Recipient has Part A and Part B and Part D Medicare coverage (inpatient hospital and outpatient and prescription drugs) and is a Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB). A coverage code of H will be returned in the response.

ADQMB =   Recipient has Part A and Part D Medicare coverage (inpatient hospital and prescription drugs) and is a Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB). A coverage code of I will be returned in the response.

BDQMB =   Recipient has Part B and Part D Medicare coverage (outpatient and prescription drugs) and is a Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB). A coverage code of J will be returned in the response.

DQMB =     Recipient has Part D Medicare coverage (prescription drugs) and is a Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB). A coverage code of K will be returned in the response.

If a recipient’s eligibility code is 09 (Medicare Coinsurance/Deductible), Medicaid will only reimburse for the Medicare coinsurance/deductible if Medicare Part B approves the drug or item being dispensed. Since the majority of drugs are covered by Medicare Part D, Medicaid would not be making payment in most cases. Therefore, the DUR system has been programmed to reject this type of claim (Table 2 code 105). In the rare case that Medicare Part B does approve the drug, the claim can be submitted manually to the eMedNY contractor for payment. If the recipient has full Medicaid coverage (coverage code 01) and is QMB, the claim will not be rejected but will be captured and if ECCA was opted, processed for adjudication. (526-FQ)

MEVS Accepted Code

The MEVS Accepted Code returned within the Additional Message area indicates the type of Medicaid eligibility the recipient has. Refer to Table 1 on page 9.0.1 for a list of values and meanings. (526-FQ)

MEVS Denial Code

The MEVS Denial Code returned within the Additional Message area indicates the type of MEVS error for rejected transactions. Refer to Table 2 on page 10.0.1 for a list of values and meanings. (526-FQ)



Message field

A Message Text area returned in the NCPDP format is used to provide MEVS information about your requested transaction. Your system may separate this information to clearly identify the contents of this message. However, some systems may display this message as it is returned in the NCPDP format. The following information is returned in the Message field for accepted claims (when Claim Response = C):

   Medicaid Number

   County Code

   Anniversary Month

   Patient Gender Code

   Year of Birth

   Category of Assistance

   Re-certification Month

   Office Number

   Service Date


Please refer to Chart A on page 8.0.2 for an example of the Message.


Office Number

The Office Number returned within the Message Text represents the New York City office code. Refer to the Codes section of the MEVS Provider Manual for a list of valid office codes. (504-F4)

Other Pharmacy Indicator

The Other Pharmacy Indicator returned within the DUR Response area indicates the source of the previous prescription that forms the basis for the conflict with the present prescription. The following values may be returned.

       0    =   Not Specified

       1    =   Your Pharmacy

       3    =   Other Pharmacy


Other Prescriber Indicator

The Other Prescriber Indicator returned within the DUR Response area compares the Prescriber of the current prescription to the Prescriber of the previously filled conflicting prescription. The following values may be returned:

       0    =   Not Specified

       1    =   Same Prescriber

       2    =   Other Prescriber


Pend Reason Code

The Pend Reason Code returned within the Additional Message Area indicates that the claim has passed all other online adjudication edits but has been pended for one of the reasons listed in Table 10 (page 15.0.1). Refer to Section 15.0 on page 15.0.1 for values and descriptions. The Table 10 (page 15.0.1) reason code will be returned in the same field positions that a Table 1 (page 9.0.1) Accepted Code is normally returned (526-FQ) field. Consequently, when the return of a Table 10 (page 15.0.1) Pend Code is warranted, a Table 1 (page 9.0.1) Accepted Code will not be returned. (526-FQ)

Previous Date of Fill

The Previous Date of Fill returned within the DUR Response area is the date that the previous prescription was filled. (530-FU)

Quantity of Previous Fill

The Quantity of Previous Fill returned within the DUR Response area is the quantity of the previously filled prescription. (531-FV)

Recertification Month

The Recertification Month returned within the Message Text is the month the recipient is due for recertification. (504-F4)

Reject Codes

A maximum of 20 Reject Codes could be returned if the Claim Response Status is "R" (Reject). Refer to NCPDP Reject Code list on page 16.0.1 for values. (511-FB)

Rx Denial Code

The Rx Denial Code returned within the Additional Message area provides prescription related reject reasons. Refer to Table 7 on page 12.0.1 for possible values. (526-FQ)

Service Date

The Service Date returned within the Message Text is the same as the Date Filled (or dispensed), entered on your transaction. (504-F4)

Patient Gender Code

Valid patient gender Codes returned within the Message Text are:

       F    =    Female

       M   =    Male

       U    =    Unborn


Utilization Threshold/

Post and Clear

The Utilization Threshold/Post & Clear codes indicate the status of the UT/P&C service authorization requests. Refer to Table 8 on page 13.0.1 for further clarification. (526-FQ)

Year of Birth

The Year of Birth returned within the Message Text shows the century and year of the recipient's birth. Example: 1980 will appear as 980. (504-F4)





This section describes the use of reversal transactions in the New York State Pro-DUR/ECCA system. A reversal transaction is used to cancel or reverse a previously submitted claim that was approved by the Pro-DUR/ECCA system. A reversal can now be used to void out a paid claim submitted via paper, or electronic batch. Reversal transactions can be submitted online up to two years from the service date.


Reversal transactions can only cancel one claim at a time. For example, if four claims were submitted and approved on a single transaction request, four separate reversal transactions would be needed to cancel the entire transaction.


The primary matching values used to determine which claim is being canceled are the Service Provider ID (201-B1), Prescription/Service Reference # (402-D2), and Date of Service (401-D1), which were submitted on the original claim. If the reversal is approved, code 021 is returned in the MEVS Accepted Code. If no match is found for the reversal, code 045 (No Authorization Found) is returned in the MEVS Denial Code.


The following fields are required for a reversal transaction. Please see the Pro-DUR/ECCA Input Information section for a description of these fields.


               BIN Number

               Version/Release Number

               Transaction Code (B2)

               Service Provider ID

               Service Provider ID Qualifier

               Date of Service

               Prescription/Service Reference #

               Prescription/Service Reference # Qualifier

               Processor Control Number (if a paid claim is being reversed)


The following information is returned if the cancel is accepted.


               Transaction Response Status (A)

               MEVS Response Code (021)


The following information is returned if the cancel was denied.


               MEVS Denial Code (R)

               Rx Denial Code

               Reject Codes (up to 10)


NCPDP Reversals can be submitted for service dates up to two years old as long as the previous transaction (either ECCA, non-ECCA, or claims submitted via paper or electronic batch) was submitted directly to the eMedNY contractor, or the transaction was submitted to eFunds no longer than 90 days prior to the eMedNY contractor takeover of the MEVS system.


By submitting a reversal via NCPDP format, you can either: reverse a previous NCPDP transaction, or use the NCPDP reversal to void a claim sent via paper, or electronic batch. If a non-capture transaction (NO CLAIM TO FA) is being reversed, the action taken by the claims processing system is contingent on if the subsequent paper, or electronic batch claim was approved during the interim.


If a paper or electronic batch claim was approved for payment during the interim, the paper or electronic batch claim will be voided, and any units used by the claim will be restored to its applicable service authorization or prior approval. The service authorization and prior approval will remain available for future use until the record becomes inactive.


If a subsequent paper or electronic batch claim has not been approved for payment during the interim, the non-capture transaction will be reversed, and any applicable service authorization or DVS prior approval generated as a result of submitting the non-capture transaction will be cancelled. When cancelled, the authorizations and approvals previously generated are no longer useable.


When reversing a previously submitted ECCA transaction that was captured for payment, if approved, the reversal will cancel any service authorization or DVS prior approval generated by the original transaction.


If you need to reverse a previously paid ECCA, paper or electronic batch claim online, you must complete the processor control number field on the reversal transaction. If omitted, your reversal will be rejected for response code 323 (refer to Table 2 codes on page 10.0.1). If you need to reverse a non-ECCA claim, then you may choose to forego entering your processor control number.



8.0        MESSAGE CHARTS  (Rev.04/05)


The following charts are used to illustrate various types of messages you can receive from your transactions. The charts are shown as to content of data. A single chart does not reflect the entire message you will receive in a single response.








9.0        MEVS ACCEPTED CODES - TABLE 1  (Rev. 07/04)


All of the Table 1 codes (except 017 and 021) indicate the type of Medicaid eligibility for the recipient. If the recipient is Medicaid eligible, a Table 1 code will be returned on each claim transaction even if the transaction is rejected for other reasons. (i.e.: Utilization Threshold, DUR Denial, etc.). An exception to this is if the transaction is rejected for header field errors (Code 999 found in Table 2 on page 10.0.1) and is not processed through the eligibility modules or an invalid Medicaid ID or sequence number is entered. Another exception is when a pend reason code from Table 10 is warranted in the response. Table 1 codes are eligibility codes. There are no existing comparable NCPDP codes that are returned with these codes.


Code 017 does not indicate Medicaid eligibility but denotes a recipient enrolled in the Family Health Plus Program.


Code 021 is not an eligibility status code. It is returned if your transaction to cancel a previously accepted claim has been accepted.




MA Eligible


Eligible Only Outpatient Care


Eligible Capitation Guarantee Only


Eligible PCP


Emergency Services Only


Presumptive Eligible Long-Term/Hospice


Medicare Coinsurance Deductible Only


Eligible Except Nursing Facility Services


Presumptive Eligibility Prenatal A


Presumptive Eligibility Prenatal B


Perinatal Family


MA Eligible-HR-Utilization Threshold


Family Health Plus Services Only


Family Planning Services Only


Record Canceled – Cancels a Previously Accepted Claim


Community Coverage with Community Based Long Term Care


Community Coverage without Long Term Care


Outpatient Coverage with Community Based Long Term Care


Outpatient Coverage without Long Term Care


Outpatient Coverage with No Nursing Facility Services

10.0    MEVS DENIAL CODES - TABLE 2  (Rev.02/05)


All of the following codes are MEVS Denial Codes. Their presence in your response area means the entire transaction has been rejected. If a MEVS Denial Code has a comparable NCPDP Reject Code, both codes will be returned. If there is no comparable code, then NCPDP code 85, "Claim Not Processed" is returned along with the MEVS Code. In those cases, the MEVS Denial Code will further qualify the reason for the claim being rejected. The following chart indicates the relationship between the MEVS Denial Code and any comparable NCPDP Reject Code, if one applies.


Code 999 will be returned if any invalid data is entered in the NCPDP required header fields. For example, an entry of 05 in the Transaction Code field will result in an MEVS Denial Code 999 being returned since it exceeds the number of claims authorized to be sent in a transaction. Also included is a description and relevant comments about the code.









Not MA Eligible


Patient is Not Covered


Expired Card


M/I Cardholder ID Number


Invalid Card Status


M/I Cardholder ID Number


Non-Current Card


M/I Cardholder ID Number


No Authorization Found


Reversal Not Processed

050 *

Alternate Access Not Allowed




Invalid Provider Number


M/I Pharmacy Number


Provider Not on File


Non-Matched Pharmacy Number


SSN Access Not Allowed


M/I Cardholder ID Number


Provider Cannot Access by Account Type




Provider Not Eligible



056 *

Re-enter Ordering Provider Number


M/I Prescriber ID

059 *

Invalid Profession Code


M/I Prescriber ID

061 *

Invalid Access Number


M/I Cardholder ID Number

062 *

Invalid Medicaid Number


M/I Cardholder ID Number

063 *

Invalid Sequence Number


M/I Person Code


Recipient Not on File


Non Matched Cardholder ID


Disqualified Ordering Provider


M/I Prescriber ID


Deceased Ordering Provider


M/I Prescriber ID


Invalid Ordering Provider


M/I Prescriber ID


Invalid Date


M/I Date of Service


Invalid Specialty Code


M/I Pharmacy Number

100 *

Invalid Referring Provider Number


M/I Primary Care Provider ID

101 *

Restricted Recipient No Auth


M/I Primary Care Provider ID


No Coverage: Pending Family Health Plus


Patient Not Covered


No Coverage: Excess Income


Patient Not Covered


QMB Requires Medicare Approval


Patient Not Covered

118 *

MCCP Recipient No Auth


M/I Primary Care Provider ID


Service Date Prior to Birthdate


M/I Birthdate


Provider Ineligible Service on Date Performed




Prior Approval Indicated Denied/Rejected by NYS


M/I Prior Authorization Number Submitted


Recipient ID Unequal to Prior Approval File


M/I Prior Authorization Number Submitted


Child Care Recipient – Bill Agency




Prior Approval Units or Payment Amount Exceeded




Service Date Not Within Prior Approval Range




Claim Type Unequal to Prior Approval Record Class




Pregnancy Indicated – Invalid for Recipient Sex or Age




Provider Reimbursed for Medicare Only




Recipient Not QMB, Services Not Reimbursable




Recipient Not Medicare, Services Not Reimbursable




Claim Previously Paid Using Another Provider Number




Prescribing Provider License Not in Active Status


M/I Prescriber ID


Other Insurance Information Inconsistent




Pharmacy Service Included In Out-of-State Facility Rate




Online Adjustments/Rebills Not Allowed For DVS Items/Drugs




Processor Control Number Needed for Rebill/Reversal of Paid Claim




The system or file necessary to process the transaction is currently unavailable.


System Unavailable


Pharmacy Service Included in In-State Facility Rate



700 *

Year of Birth Not Equal to File


M/I Birthdate


Sex Not Equal to File


M/I Patient Gender Code


ECCA Not Allowed



Claim too Old

M/I Processor Control Number

703 *

Invalid PIN


M/I Processor Control Number

704 *

Invalid ETIN


M/I Processor Control Number


Header Field Error




*        For further explanation and examples of error conditions refer to Table 2 Error Chart

**      NCPDP equivalent reject code does not exist. Code 85 "Claim Not Processed" will be returned.

***     Several Different NCPDP Reject Codes could be returned with MEVS Code 999. These Reject Codes will indicate which header field is in error.



TABLE 2 ERROR CHART  (Rev.12/05)


Key: b = Blanks/Spaces

Left Justify = Begin in First Position on Left









Alternate Access not allowed


None - No entry made

1.       In order to access the DUR/ECCA online system you must choose an alternate access method.

2.       Code 050 will be returned if your provider number has not been updated with your selected access method on the eMedNY contractor’s production file.

3.       In order to be updated on the production file, you must have:

A)      Notified the eMedNY contractor of your alternate access method.

B)      Signed the contract and sent it to the eMedNY contractor.

C)      Signed the contract and submitted your check to your switch company if you chose to transmit through a switch. The switch must then send an approval to the eMedNY contractor before your number will be updated on production.


SSN Access Not Allowed


None – 9 digit entry not allowed

Card holder ID (302-C2) field has only two acceptable formats:

1.   Eight position alpha/numeric Medicaid Client Number (CIN)


2.   Thirteen-digit Access Number without the six-digit ISO # prefix


Provider Cannot Access by Account Type


None – No entry made

If you submit a transaction via an access method other than the method assigned to your provider number on the production file, code 054 will be returned. For example, if your provider number is on the file as going through a switch company and a transaction is sent using a second switch company that is not on your file, your transaction will be rejected.

       056 or 059

Reenter Ordering

Provider Number

or Invalid Profession Code


M/I Prescriber ID


(NYS Physician)



(Nurse Practitioner)



(8 digit MMIS Provider ID for enrolled prescriber)



(Out of State Physician from New Jersey).





1.    The Prescriber ID field length is 15. The Prescriber's Profession Code must be in the first three positions, followed by either two zeroes or two alpha (out of state) followed by the 6 digit license number. The Prescriber ID Qualifier must be equal to 08 when submitting a license number. An 8 digit provider number must be left justified, space filled. The Prescriber ID Qualifier must be equal to 05.

  Note: When entering a license number, the last six positions of the entry should be the actual numeric license number. If the license number does not contain six numbers, zero fill the appropriate positions preceding the actual license number. For example, an entry for an Optometrist whose license number is U867 would be 0560U000867.

2.    Some incorrect entries being received are:

A)  567892: License number only

B)  00567892: License number without Profession Code.

C)  06056892: Profession Code, License Number without zeroes or 2 alpha in between.

D)  bbb00240588: Eight digit MMIS Provider Number NOT left justified.

E)  DEA Number: Some software packages are sending the physician's DEA numbers instead of the license number.

3.       Nurse Practitioners:

A nurse practitioner may have several different license numbers because the State Education Department issues them a license for each specialty for which they are certified. Not All Nurse Practitioners are licensed to prescribe drugs. A nurse practitioner who is licensed to prescribe will have the letter "F" preceding the 6 digit license number. This is the license number that must be used when submitting your transaction. The profession code 042 followed by 0F and the 6 digit number is the only correct entry for nurse practitioners’ license numbers.


056 or 059

Reenter Ordering Provider Number or Invalid Profession Code (cont.)


M/I Prescriber ID


4.    Optometrists:

An optometrist who is licensed to prescribe will have the letter ‘U’ or ‘V’ preceding the six -digit license number. Profession code 056 followed by ‘OU’ or ‘OV’ and the six- digit number are the only correct entries for optometrists' license numbers.


Invalid Access Number


Invalid Medicaid Number.


M/I Cardholder ID Number


(13 digit access number found on recipient's Medicaid card)



(CIN Number)

1.       The entry in the Cardholder ID field must contain either the recipient's 13 digit access number or their 8 character alpha numeric CIN number. Both must be left justified, space filled.

2.       The most common error being received that causes code 061 to be returned is an entry of 8 numeric digits in the Cardholder ID field. Check your software to make sure the alpha characters in the CIN number are not being converted to numeric values.

3.       Rejections also occur when either number is not left justified.

4.       Code 062 is returned when the number entered cannot be found on the file.


Invalid Sequence Number


M/I Person Code


(2 digit sequence number)


(2 digit sequence number)

1.       The recipient's 2 digit sequence number is required on each transaction. The sequence number can be found on the recipient's Medicaid card.

2.       Our format requires the 2 digit sequence number to be placed in the 3 digit Person Code field. The number must be left justified and space filled. We have learned that some software packages have the number placed in a different field, which is fine as long as it is sent to the eMedNY contractor in the Person Code field.

3.       Some incorrect entries being received are:

A)      Person Code field is blank

B)      Sequence number is not left justified.

Sequence number transmitted does not match the most current number on the eMedNY contractor’s file. A new sequence number is issued each time a recipient receives a new card.


Invalid Referring Provider Number


Restricted Recipient No Auth


MCCP Recipient No Auth


M/I Primary Care Provider ID


(8 digit MMIS identification number of the provider to which a recipient is restricted).

1.       If a recipient is restricted, the Primary Care Provider field must contain the 8 digit MMIS Number that the recipient is restricted to. The provider number is the only valid entry. An entry in this field is in addition to an entry in the Prescriber ID field. The entry must be left justified and space filled. The Primary Care Provider ID Qualifier must have a value of 05 when this field is entered.

2.       Some incorrect entries being received are:

A)      bbb00240588: Eight digit MMIS Provider number NOT left justified.

B)      00240588bbA: Eight digit MMIS Provider number left justified but followed by two spaces and an alpha character.

C)      Field is blank and recipient is restricted.

D)      Field contains the same provider number that is being sent in the Prescriber ID field and recipient is not restricted to that provider.

E)      Field contains a license number.


Year of Birth not equal to file.


M/I Birthdate


(Century, Year, Month, Day)

The Date of Birth field requires an 8 digit entry, which includes the Century of the recipient's birth. The majority of your software packages only require you to enter the birth year and the software is automatically sending 19 as the Century. This has caused some rejections when the recipient was born in the 18th Century. When this occurs, you need to contact your software company.


ECCA Not Allowed


Claim Too Old



(Century, Year, Month, Day)


1.    The date filled requires an eight-digit entry, which includes the century of the date filled. The eMedNY contractor will only accept fill dates up to two years old via NCPDP for rebills and reversals. This reject will be returned for any rebill or reversal with a fill date over two years old.



ECCA Not Allowed (cont.)


M/I Processor Control Number





2.    The first position of the Processor Control Number must equal ‘Y’ to indicate the provider has read and attests to the data in the Certification Statement. If you have been issued a four digit ETIN, you may leave off the “Y” in the first position.


Invalid PIN


Invalid ETIN


M/I Processor Control Number


(Certification, Initials, PIN, ETIN)

1.    If you wish your transaction to be electronically captured, the Processor Control Number field must be completed. Correct completion of this field alerts the online system to capture an accepted claim transaction for adjudication.

2.    The reject denial code 703 will be returned if:

      A.)   You have not submitted the PIN selection form to the Department of Health.

      B.)   The PIN number has not been added to your provider file record at the eMedNY contractor.

      C.)   The PIN number transmitted does not match the number selected, which was added to your provider file record.

3.    The reject denial code 704 will be returned if:

      A.)     You have not applied for and/or submitted your ETIN number on a notarized certification statement to the eMedNY contractor.

      B.)     The ETIN transmitted does not match the ETIN submitted on the certification statement, which was added to the ETIN file.

4.    Some software has hard coded the ETIN of the billing service into this field. If that ETIN was not on the certification statement, the transaction will reject.


NDC/APC Not Covered


Product/Service Not Covered


Discontinued Product/Service ID Number


(11 digit NDC Code)

1.       The Product/Service ID field entry must contain an 11 digit numeric NDC code.

2.       Some common errors being received are:

A)      NDC field is blank - software is not pulling code off of your drug file.

B)      NDC field is incomplete. Entry does not contain a full 11 numbers, but is a combination of blanks and numbers.

C)      We have learned that some software packages are converting your 11 digit NDC code entry to a five digit alpha/numeric code for some over the counter items that used to be billed using the alpha/numeric code but have now been assigned an 11 digit NDC code.

D)      Conversely, other software packages are converting your 5 digit alpha/numeric HCPCS code entry to an 11 digit NDC code. These items used to be billed using an NDC code but have been changed to a five digit alpha/numeric code. Note: If you receive a rejection code for your NDC entry, you should check with your software vendor to see what code is being transmitted.

E)      The Compound Code field must contain a value of 1 for each NDC entry. An entry of any other code in the compound code field when submitting an 11 digit NDC code will cause a rejected claim.

F)      The Product/Service ID Qualifier (436-E1) field does not contain a value of 03.


Maximum Quantity Exceeded


Plan Limitations Exceeded


(100 Tablets)


(1 package of gauze pads)


(75 Caloric Units)

1.       The Quantity Dispensed is a 10 digit numeric field, which contains 3 decimal positions.

2.       The quantity that you enter in this field is checked against the maximum quantity on the Drug Plan File for each drug or supply item. If the amount entered exceeds the amount on the Drug Plan File, the claim will deny.

3.       If you have received prior approval to dispense a quantity that exceeds the established maximum, you must enter the prior approval number on your transaction. This will allow your claim to override the edit.

4.       Some incorrect entries being received are:

A)      00500 - The number of items in a box or package are being submitted rather than the number of boxes or packages. If there are 500 gauze pads in 1 box, the quantity should be submitted as 0000001000.


Override Denied UT Not at Limit


M/I Prescription Denial Override


(No Override required)


(No Override Required)


(UT Service Authorization Exception Code P - Override Pending)


(UT Service Authorization Exception Code J or L - Immediate Urgent Care or Emergency)

1.       An entry must be placed in the Submission Clarification Code field.

2.       If the recipient is not at their UT limit, 00 or 01 should be entered.

3.       If the recipient is at their limit, value 02 or 07 should be entered to override the limit.

4.       Code 712 is returned if a value of 02 or 07 is entered and the recipient has not reached their limit.


Header Field Error


None – Please resubmit using NCPDP Version 5.1

Used for various Header errors, also used to indicate non-HIPAA compliance.












Other Insurance Information Inconsistent


Claim Not Processed

COB Segment:

Field 342-HC “99” (First Occurrence)

Field 431-DV = $100.00

1.       Your claim will deny if the Medicare Part B Deductible reported on your claim is either greater than the Federal maximum deductible, or non-numeric. Refer to the amount entered in field 431-DV, after the first occurrence of qualifier “99” in field 342-HC on your claim in the COB segment. The amount entered cannot be more than the Federal maximum deductible, or non-numeric.

COB Segment:

Field 342-HC “07”

Field 431-DV = $50.00 or (Blank if no Medicare Part B Involvement)

2.       If a claim is being denied for the Medicare Part B approved amount non-numeric, this would be caused by the dollar amount entered in field 431-DV following qualifier “07” in field 342-HC, (Medicare Part B approved Amount) on your claim. The Medicare Part B approved Amount must be either blank, (if Medicare Part B is not involved), or numeric (if Medicare Part B is involved).


Other Insurance Information Inconsistent


Claim Not Processed

COB Segment:

Field 342-HC “08”

Field 431-DV = $25.00 or (Blank if no Medicare Part B Involvement)

3.       Your claim will deny when the Medicare Part B Paid amount is non-numeric. The Medicare Part B Paid amount must be blank (if Medicare Part B is not involved), or numeric (if Medicare Part B is involved).


Other Insurance Information Inconsistent


Claim Not Processed

COB Segment:

Field 342-HC “07”

Field 431-DV = $100.00

Field 342-HC “08”

Field 431-DV = $80.00

Field 342-HC “99”

Field 431-DV = $10.00 (Deductible Amount)

Field 342-HC “99”

Field 431-DV = $10.00 (Coinsurance Amount)

Field 342-HC “99”

Field 431-DV = $00.00 (Copay Amount)


4.       If the Medicare Part B Data reported on the claim is inconsistent, your claim will be denied. This denial will result when the Medicare Part B Approved Amount is completed and the Medicare Part B paid amount is blank, or the Medicare Part B paid amount is completed and the Medicare Part B Approved amount is blank. Denial can also occur if the sum of the Deductible, Coinsurance and Copay amount reported on the claim is greater than the difference between the Medicare Part B Approved amount and Paid Amounts.










Other Insurance Information Inconsistent


Claim Not Processed

Pricing Segment:

Field 426-DQ = $100.00 (Total Amount Charged)

COB Segment:

Field 342-HC “07”

Field 431-DV = $80.00 (Medicare Part B Approved Amount)

5.       When the Amount Charged that is reported on your claim in field 426-DQ in the Pricing Segment, is less than the Medicare Part B Approved Amount reported on your claim, it will deny.


Other Insurance Information Inconsistent


Claim Not Processed

COB Segment:

Field 342-HC “07”

Field 431-DV = $150.00

Field 342-HC “08”

Field 431-DV = $120.00

Field 342-HC “99”

Field 431-DV = $00.00 (Deductible Amount)

Field 342-HC “99”

Field 431-DV = $30.00 (Coinsurance


Field 342-HC “99”

Field 431-DV = $00.00 (Copay Amount)

6.       Your Claim will deny when the Medicare Part B Coinsurance Amount Reported on the claim is non-numeric. When the second occurrence of Identifier “99” is reported, and the Coinsurance Amount contains spaces, blanks, or is alpha-numeric, the claim will be rejected.


Other Insurance Information Inconsistent


Claim Not Processed

COB Segment:

Field 342-HC “07”

Field 431-DV = $125.00

Field 342-HC “08”

Field 431-DV = $60.00

Field 342-HC “99”

Field 431-DV = $50.00 (Deductible Amount)

Field 342-HC “99”

Field 431-DV = $15.00 (Coinsurance


Field 342-HC “99”

Field 431-DV = $00.00 (Copay Amount)

7.       Your Claim will deny when the Medicare Part B Copayment Amount Reported on the claim is non- numeric. When the third occurrence of Identifier “99” is reported, and the Copay Amount contains spaces, blanks, or is alpha-numeric, the claim will be rejected.








Item Requires Manual Review


Claim Not Processed

COB Segment:

Field 342-HC “07”

Field 431-DV = $100.00

Field 342-HC “08”

Field 431-DV = $80.00

1.       When the Medicare Part B Paid Amount Reported on the claim is less than reasonable, your claim will pend. The system will allow up to the Federal maximum for the deductible, and a maximum of 20% Coinsurance payment. If the amounts entered on the claim do not conform to the logic, your claim will pend.


Client has Other Insurance


Claim Not Processed

COB Segment:

Field 342-HC “08”

Field 431-DV = $75.00 (Medicare Part B Paid Amount)


1.      If the Medicaid Client has Medicare Part B Outpatient coverage on file, and the NDC/HCPCS code being billed is flagged as payable by Medicare Part B, and the Medicare Part B paid amount reported on the claim is spaces or non-numerics, your claim will deny.

11.0    CO-PAYMENT CODES - TABLE 6  (Rev. 11/02)





Co-payment Requirements Have Been Met


No Co-payment Required – Recipient Under 21 or Exempt



12.0    Rx DENIAL CODES - TABLE 7  (Rev. 12/05)


All of the Table 7 codes are denial codes. Their presence in your response means that the claim has been rejected. If none of the Table 7 codes apply to your claim, you will see 000 in your response instead.









M/I Item / NDC Code


M/I Product/Service ID


Product/Service Not Covered for Patient Gender


Drug Not Covered for Patient Gender


Patient Age Exceeds Maximum Age


Patient Age Exceeds Maximum Age


Patient Age Precedes Minimum Age


Claim Not Processed


Requested Item Exceeds Frequency Limitation


Claim Not Processed


Missing/Invalid Quantity Dispensed


M/I Quantity Dispensed


Category of service not valid for item / NDC code


M/I Pharmacy Number


Missing / Invalid category of service


M/I Pharmacy Number


NDC/APC Not Covered

70, 77

Product/Service Not Covered, Discontinued Product/Service ID Number


Refill Code Exceeds Number of Refills Authorized


M/I Fill Number


Previously Filled Refill


M/I Fill Number


Exceeds NY Allowed Refill Maximum


M/I Number Refills Authorized


Maximum Day’s Supply Exceeded


M/I Days Supply


Maximum Quantity Exceeded


Plan Limitations Exceeded


Date Filled Prior to Date Rx Written


M/I Date Prescription Written


Override Denied - UT not at limit


M/I Submission Clarification Code


Refill over 180 days from Date Rx Written


M/I Date Prescription Written


Date Filled More than 60 days from Date Rx Written


M/I Date Prescription Written


Other Insurance Amount must be greater than zero


M/I Other Coverage Code



Other Insurance Amount must be equal to zero


M/I Other Coverage Code



Recipient has Other Insurance


M/I Other Coverage Code


HR Recipient - No Rebate Agreement


Discontinued Product/Service ID Number


MA Only Covers Family Planning


Patient Is Not Covered


Days Supply is Less than the Minimum Required


M/I Days Supply


Family Health Plus Denial


Patient is Not Covered


Client Has Medicare Part D


Submit Bill To Other Processor Or Primary Payer.



13.0    PHARMACY UT/P & C CODES - TABLE 8  (Rev. 11/02)








UT Approved, P&C Approved




UT Approved, Services Not Ordered


No S/A


UT Approved, P&C Not Invoked




UT At Service Limits, P&C Approved


No S/A


UT At Service Limits, Services Not Ordered


No S/A


UT At Service Limits, P&C Not Invoked


No S/A


UT Approved Near Limits, P&C Approved




UT Approved Near Limits, Services Not Ordered


No S/A


UT Approved Near Limits, P&C Not Invoked




UT Not Invoked, P&C Approved




UT Not Invoked, Services Not Ordered


No S/A


UT Not Invoked, P&C Not Invoked


Exempt - No S/A Necessary


UT Override Denied, P&C Approved


No S/A


UT Override Denied, Services Not Ordered


No S/A


UT Override Denied, P&C Not Invoked


No S/A


DUR Denial


No S/A



Table 8 codes were formulated to return a code which combines the Utilization Threshold (UT) and Post and Clear (P&C) programs. The first alpha character indicates the UT status; the second character indicates the P&C status. Both characters must indicate an approval in order for service authorizations to be generated. The key to recognizing an approval code:

The first character must be an "A", "L", or "N” and

The second character must be an "A" or "N".


The only Table 8 codes that indicate an approval for a UT and/or P&C service authorization are:

AA (UT and P&C service authorization)

AN (UT only, P&C exempt)

LA (UT and P&C service authorization)

LN (UT only - P&C exempt)

NA (UT exempt, P&C service authorization)

NN (UT exempt, P&C exempt)


Note:      Although these are approval codes, the approval is for the UT and P&C programs only. The claim must pass all other editing in order for the authorizations to be considered approved for payment. If the response status field contains a "C" (Claim Captured), any necessary service authorizations have been established. If the response status field contains an "R" (Rejected), no authorizations are generated. A Table 8 code is returned in every response even if the claim is rejected.


The third column in Table 8 lists the approval (A) or denial (D) status of each code.


The fourth column in Table 8 indicates whether service authorization requirements were satisfied.


Not invoked means that the claim did not have to be processed through that designated program. For example: UT Not Invoked means that the claim was not processed through the UT program for various reasons. (Recipient may be exempt from UT, etc).


If the claim is denied for DUR (Code XX), the UT and P&C status code will not be displayed because the UT, P&C approval has been negated by the DUR denial.










Duplicate/Redundant DVS request


DVS process was not invoked


Item approved / DVS number issued


Missing / Invalid item / NDC code


Item not covered for patient gender


Patient age exceeds maximum age


Patient age precedes minimum age


Requested item exceeds frequency limitation


Missing / Invalid quantity dispensed


DVS requires current date entry


Category of service not valid for item / NDC code


Missing / Invalid category of service


NDC/HCPCS Not Covered


Maximum Order Quantity Exceeded


Client Medicare Part D Denial




15.0    PEND REASON CODES – TABLE 10  (Rev. 01/04)






Pending for Manual Pricing. (The NDC being billed requires manual review and pricing by DOH).


Item Requires Manual Review. (The NDC being billed requires manual review by DOH prior to payment).


Pharmacy Service Included in In-state Facility Rate


PCP Plan Code Not on Contract File. (Recipient is enrolled in a managed care plan but the plan code has not yet been added to DOH’s Managed Care Contract file). Call Provider Services 1-800-343-9000


Claim Pending: Excess Income/Spenddown. (Recipient has income in excess of the allowable Medicaid levels and will be considered eligible for Medicaid reimbursable services only at the point his/her excess income is reduced to the appropriate level. This response will be issued if you override the excess income denial [code 104] and the LDSS has not yet updated eligibility on the Client database).


Prior Approval Not on or Removed From File. (PA is not found on or no longer active on the eMedNY contractor’s PA file).


Note:      These codes may appear in the Table 2 response area for non-ECCA transactions since non-ECCA transactions will not be held in a pending status. They will be rejected if the conditions for these reason codes exist.



16.0    NCPDP REJECT CODES  (Rev. 12/05)



DESCRIPTION – M/I = Missing/Invalid






M/I Processor Control Number

702,703, 704


M/I Pharmacy Number

051, 092, 140, 142


M/I Cardholder ID Number

030, 031, 033,

061, 062


M/I Person Code



M/I Birthdate

300, 700


M/I Patient Gender Code



M/I Other Coverage Code

715, 716, 717


M/I Eligibility Clarification Code



M/I Date of Service



M/I Prescription/Service Reference Number



M/I Fill Number Code

706, 707


M/I Days Supply

709, 720


M/I Compound Code



M/I Product/Service ID



M/I Dispense as Written Code (DAW) Product Selection Code



M/I Prescriber ID

056, 059, 066, 067, 068, 318


M/I Date Prescription Written

711, 713, 714


M/I Number Refills Authorized



M/I Submission Clarification Code



M/I Primary Care Provider ID

100, 101, 118


Submit Bill To Other Processor Or Primary Payer

723, 724


Non-Matched Pharmacy Number



Non-Matched Cardholder ID



Product/Service Not Covered For Patient Gender



Patient is Not Covered

001, 103, 104, 719, 722


Patient Age Exceeds Maximum Age



Product/Service Not Covered



Prior Authorization Required



Plan Limitations Exceeded



Discontinued Product/Service ID Number

705, 718


Claim Too Old



Claim is Post Dated



Duplicate Paid/Captured Claim



Claim Has Not Been Paid/Captured



Claim Not Processed



Reversal Not Processed



DUR Reject Error



System Unavailable



M/I Usual and Customary



M/I Other Payor Amount Paid



M/I Patient Paid Amount Submitted



M/I Scheduled Prescription ID Number



M/I Prior Authorization Number Submitted

303, 304, 319


M/I Product/Service ID Qualifier



M/I Reason for Service Code



M/I Result for Service Code



M/I Quantity Dispensed



Error Overflow




Up to twenty (20) NCPDP reject codes can appear in the rejected response. If a code has a comparable MEVS reject code that code will also be returned in the response. Most of the NCPDP reject codes are self-explanatory or have been further explained in other sections. Those needing further clarification are described below.


Code 22 - M/I Dispense As Written Code:

            An entry is required. The acceptable values are:

            0 - No Product Selection Indicated.

            1 - Substitution not allowed by Prescriber.

            4 - Substitution allowed - Generic Drug not in stock.

            5 - Substitution allowed - Brand Drug Dispensed as a Generic.

            7 - Substitution not allowed - Brand Drug mandated by law.

            8 - Substitution allowed - Generic Drug not available in marketplace.


Code EV - M/I Prior Authorization Number Submitted Code:

If an NDC or HCPCS requires a prior approval number, the prior approval field must contain the prior approval number assigned to you for the NDC or HCPCS. The prior approval field is 11 digits in length. If you are reporting an eight digit prior approval, enter the 8 digit number, followed by three zeros. If reporting an eleven digit prior approval, enter the full 11 digits. Additionally, the Prior Authorization Type Code (461-EU) field should contain a “01” if reporting a PA number with no co-pay exemption. If the patient is co-pay exemption, enter a number “04”.


Code 83 - Duplicate Paid/Captured Claim:

This code is returned when a claim is submitted and the Service Product ID Number, Cardholder ID, Date of Service, and Prior Authorization Number Submitted fields match a previously paid claim and one of the following three conditions also exist:

·         Prescription/Service Reference Number, NDC/HCPCS (if not a compound), and Generic Code match, but the Fill Number Code is different.

·         Prescription/Service Reference Number and Generic Code match, but NDC/HCPCS is different

·         NDC/HCPCS (if not a compound) match, but Prescription/Service Reference Number is different.

Refer to section 2.14 on page 2.14.1 for additional information.

Code 84 - Claim Has Not Been Paid/Captured:

This code is returned when a transaction is submitted (transactions codes N1 and N3) with the intent of supplying DUR information only for purposes of updating the recipient's drug history file when no claim submission or reimbursement is allowed or expected. If Code 84 is the only code returned, the drug history file has been updated.


DQ - M/I Usual and Customary:

An entry is required in the Usual and Customary Charge field. If the claim is being sent for ECCA processing, the amount in this field must be greater than zeroes. If ECCA is not being requested, the field must be zero filled.




Several abbreviations are used when referring to the Drug Utilization Program. These abbreviations are listed below with a brief description.





Central Processing Unit. This is also known as the mainframe computer.



A direct telecommunication connection to the eMedNY contractor’s mainframe computer using a central processing unit to access the MEVS/Pro-DUR systems.



Durable Medical Equipment. These items and their codes are listed in the DME MMIS Provider Manual and are further identified by use of specialty code 307 or category of service 0442 when billing and must be submitted on a DME claim form. Some DME item codes require a DVS number.

These must be submitted by using a 278 ASC X12N transaction, the Verifone Omni 3750 Terminal or ePACES.



Dispensing Validation System. This feature allows you to obtain the required prior approval number (DVS number) for pre-designated DME item codes and certain prescription drugs in the same transaction as your DUR/ECCA claim. Items, which are only reimbursable under COS 0442, cannot be submitted through the NCPDP format.



Electronic Claims Capture and Adjudication. This is an optional feature of the Pro-DUR program, which allows you to have your DUR claim captured and adjudicated for payment by the eMedNY contractor.



Electronic Transmitter Identification Number. A three or four character code assigned by the eMedNY contractor to a provider who wishes to send their claims via electronic batch. The Electronic Transmitter Identification Number has also been referred to as a Magnetic Supplier Number. Each pharmacy must submit their ETIN with a notarized certification statement to the eMedNY contractor. The ETIN must be entered on each Pro-DUR transaction in order to have the claim electronically captured.



Health Care Financing Administration Common Procedure Coding System. The five digit alpha/numeric HCPCS code is assigned by CMS to over the counter sickroom supplies. These codes are found in sections 4.2 and 4.3 in the MMIS Pharmacy Provider Manual. The five digit alpha/numeric DME item codes are also entered as HCPCS codes for DVS Transactions.



Medicaid Eligibility Verification System. The system which processes providers’ eligibility inquiries and service authorization requests for New York State Medicaid recipients.



National Council for Prescription Drug Program. A nonprofit membership organization working toward the standardization and efficiency of third party prescription drug program processing. New York State is using NCPDP's Version 5.1 Telecommunication Standard and the 1.1 Batch formats to administer the DUR program and have your DUR claim captured and adjudicated for payment by the eMedNY contractor.



National Drug Code. The eleven digit number assigned to each drug or OTC item.



New York State Department of Health



Over the Counter drug or supply which does not require a prescription.


P & C

Post and Clear. The program in effect which requires certain prescribers to post their prescriptions on the MEVS system. The posted prescriptions must then be "cleared" by the dispensing provider. P&C service authorizations are required for payment to be made.



Personal Computer.


PC-Host Link

A Dial-Up into the MEVS network using a personal computer to access the MEVS/Pro-DUR systems.



Personal Identification Number. A four digit number selected by each pharmacy and submitted to the New York State Department of Health for input to the pharmacy's provider file. Pharmacies must enter the number on each Pro-DUR transaction in order to have their claim electronically captured and submitted for adjudication.



Prospective Drug Utilization Review. This is a mandatory program, which alerts pharmacists to possible contraindications when dispensing drugs to a recipient.


Profession Code

Three-digit code assigned by the New York State Education Department indicating the medical profession of the provider that wrote the prescription.




A company that passes the Pro-DUR/ECCA transaction from the provider to the MEVS network, via a dedicated telecommunications link, and returns the response from the MEVS network to the provider.



Transmission Supplier Number. Refer to Electronic Transmitter Identification Number (ETIN).


Utilization Threshold. The mandatory program in effect, which limits Medicaid recipients to a designated number of services, prescriptions, etc. per year. Providers must receive a UT service authorization in order for payment to be made.




18.0    QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS  (Rev.12/05)

Q:        How does my software work?

A:         If you have any questions regarding your software, refer them to your software vendor. The New York State Department of Health and the eMedNY contractor do not have any control over software written to interface with the Pro-DUR/ECCA system.

Q:        What phone number do I dial to access the production Pro-DUR/ECCA system?

A:         For PC-Host going direct to the eMedNY contractor, you will receive the production phone numbers once you have completed certification and testing.

            For providers going through a switch, you should contact your switch for access procedures and information.

Q:        What is my PIN?

A:         The Provider Services Department staff can verify if the PIN you are using is correct. They are not authorized to give out your PIN number for security reasons. If you do not know your PIN number, you must complete a new "PIN Selection Form" and return it to New York State Department of Health.

Q:        What is my ETIN?

A:         Contact Provider Services at 1-800-343-9000 for the ETIN that is authorized for electronic processing.

Q:        Will my claim be paid?

A:         If your claim is electronically captured and approved for payment, your claim will be paid. One exception to this rule is for excess income/spenddown. Once you have overridden the 104 denial response, your claim will pend waiting for an eligibility update from the WMS. If the update is not timely, your claim will release from its pending status and deny. These “captured, then denied” claims will appear on your remittance statement as being denied. Refer to the Electronic Claims Capture and Adjudication section on page 2.4.1 of the manual for additional information.

Q:        Why am I getting "NO CLAIM TO FA"?

A:         You receive this message any time the system has determined the claim can not be captured for adjudication. There are many reasons for this, including if the Processor Control Number is not submitted. Refer to the Electronic Claims Capture and Adjudication section on page 2.4.1 of the manual for additional information.

Q:        Will this claim be paid online?

A:         Your claim will be fully adjudicated. Claims approved for payment will appear as paid within the remittance statement issued for that payment cycle.

Q:        What is Person Code?

A:         The Person Code is the NCPDP field used to input the Recipient's Sequence Number. The sequence number can be found on the recipient's card.

Q:        I received a DUR warning for high dosage and refills too early and my claim was denied? Why?

A:         In the online Pro-DUR/ECCA system, the eMedNY contractor sends back warning information about certain drug interactions. These are only warnings and are NOT rejects in the online system. Some software companies will treat these warnings as REJECTS when interpreting the DUR response. You need to talk to your software provider to determine how to deal with this condition.

Q:        What is the valid NDC code for a particular drug?

A:         You should refer to the Formulary File located on the eMedNY website at ( All reimbursable drugs are listed. If you cannot find it, you can call New York State Department of Health at 1-518-486-3209.

Q:        What is the proper procedure for entering sickroom supplies using Health Care Financing Administration Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS)?

A:         Refer to Section 2.8 (page 2.8.1) on HCPCS Codes in the manual for clarification.

Q:        Was a UT service authorization produced by the eMedNY contractor?

A:         Refer to Table 8 (page 13.0.1) on UT, P&C codes in this manual for clarification.

Q:        Why am I getting M/I Prior Authorization Number Submitted? This doesn't need a PA!

A:         If the item you are entering does not need Prior Approval/Authorization and you're using the version 5.1 format, the Prior Auth Number Submitted (462-EV) field should not be transmitted (your software system should take care of this).

Q:        How should the Prior Auth Type Code 461-EU and Prior Auth Number Submitted 462-EV be put in the field?

A:         The first field (461-EU) should contain a ‘01’ for Prior Auth Number submission or ‘04’ to identify co-pay exempt. If a P.A. No. is also required with the co-pay exempt then submit as follows: When entering an eight digit prior approval number, the second field (462-EV), positions 1 through 8 = prior approval number and positions 9 through 11 = zeroes  when 461-EU contains ‘01’. Or enter the full 11 digit prior approval number. If 461-EU contains ‘04’ for co-pay exempt and does not require a P.A. No., do not submit 462-EV. If a P.A. No. is also required then submit 462-EV as indicated above.

            Refer to Section 2.11 on page 2.11.1 for field descriptions.

Q:        Why was I rejected?

A:         Refer to Table 2 (page 10.0.1), Table 7 (page 12.0.1), Table 8 (page 13.0.1), Table 9 (page 14.0.1) and the NCPDP Reject Codes list for clarification.

Q:        What were my DUR reject codes, I cleared my screen already?

A:         You should first check with your software vendor to see if there is a method of recovering or re-displaying the response for a transaction. If there is not, you can resubmit the transaction and get the same errors.

Q:        I received DUR Reject Code 85 in my response, what does it mean?

A:         You should look for the accompanying error codes that are part of the response in the Additional Message field. The first is the MEVS Accepted or Denial code. This code is in the first three positions. The other code is the Rx Denial Code. It follows the MEVS code and a space. Additionally, the claim could be rejected because of UT/P&C denials or DVS denials. Refer to Table 2 (page 10.0.1), Table 7 (page 12.0.1), Table 8 (page 13.0.1), Table 9 (page 14.0.1) in this manual.

Q:        Why does it say M/I Product/Service ID or Product/Service Not Covered, when the NDC is in fact covered?

A:         Refer to Table 7 (page 12.0.1) error chart for further explanation.

Q:        What is Maximum Quantity, or Plan Limitations exceeded?

A:         The maximum quantity or plan limitations reject is when the amount in the Quantity Dispensed field is greater than the allowed or approved New York State Medicaid quantity. For assistance call Provider Services at 1-800-343-9000.

Q:        I am getting a reject code of 100 or 101, what do I do?

A:         Refer to Table 2 (page 10.0.1) error chart for further explanation.

Q:        What is E4 Reason for Service Code or E6?

A:         These are both NCPDP Reject Codes. The E4 code indicates there is a problem with the Reason for Service Code input with the claim. It could be because the data is not one of the DUR reject conflict codes, a DUR override was not required, or the field was the wrong size. The E6 code indicates there is a problem with the Result for Service Code. The common problems are a DUR override is not needed or the wrong value was input. Another common problem is only one of the fields is entered. Both fields should be reviewed and the transaction resubmitted. Refer to the Override Processing section for further clarification.

Q:        How do I process an override?

A:         There are four types of overrides for transactions. The first is the MEVS UT or Utilization Threshold override. It is entered in NCPDP Submission Clarification Code (420-DK) field. The UT override is needed when you receive a UT Denial or a D in the first position of the codes for UT/PC in Additional Message (526-FQ) field. The second override is for DUR. This is entered in Reason for Service Code (439-E4) field. The DUR override is required when you receive a DUR Reject, error code 88. Both can be entered in the same transaction. Beware; if the override is not required, the transaction will be rejected. Refer to the Override Processing section for further clarification. The third override is the excess income/spenddown override. This override can be entered in the Eligibility Clarification Code (309-C9) field to override response code 104. Once overridden, your claim will be captured if the processor control number field is completed properly. Once captured, your claims will pend, waiting for a WMS eligibility update to occur. If the update is not timely, your claim will appear as denied on your remittance statement.

The fourth override is the Nursing Home override. The Eligibility Clarification Code (309-C9) field may also be used to report a Nursing Home Override. You may use this override code when resubmitting a previously denied claim if a Client is a resident of an In-State Skilled Nursing Facility which includes coverage for pharmacy services. This will result in a pend status which will allow local districts time to update the Client’s file if the patient has been discharged from the Facility.