Q: | What is eMedNY eXchange? |
A: |
eMedNY eXchange is an access method used to submit HIPAA-compliant transactions to the eMedNY system via a web-based application. To successfully use eXchange you will first need to enroll in ePACES and successfully login on ePACES. The ePACES User ID and password are also used for eXchange access. You will need software to create files to send to eMedNY and to interpret the files received from eMedNY. The exception to this is PDF remittances that need no special software to interpret. ePACES Enrollment Procedure |
Q: | How do I enroll in eXchange? |
A: | Providers who wish to enroll in eMedNY Exchange must enroll in ePACES first. There are no exceptions. Both web-based applications use the same login and password databases. Your inbox is activated after enrollment in ePACES is complete and you have logged in at least once successfully. |
Q: | What security agreements/authorization forms do I need to enroll in eXchange? |
A: | Enrollment in ePACES is all that is required for an eMedNY Exchange account. Please note that you must successfully login to ePACES at least once for your eMedNY eXchange inbox be activated. |
Q: | What types of files can I send or receive through eXchange? |
A: | 837 (I/P/D), 834, 270, 276, 278 and NCPDP D.0 may be sent through eXchange. 820, 835, 271, 277 and 278 responses may be received through eXchange. Providers can also receive PDF versions of paper remittances that require no special software to view/interpret. |
Q: | How do I send or receive files in eXchange? |
A: |
Sending Files: Create a text document in the correct transaction format. Log into eMedNY Exchange and attach the file (just like an email) Then send it to the eMedNY system. Receiving Files: eMedNY will send a file to the provider’s inbox (very similar to email). Open the file and save it to your computer. |
Q: | How long does it take to get my eXchange in-box activated? |
A: | Your inbox will be automatically created once you successfully log into ePACES for the first time. |
Q: | What kind of testing is required for eMedNY Exchange? |
A: | No testing is required for eMedNY eXchange, however the HIPAA X12 files to be sent or received should be tested to ensure that the file format is correct. Please see the eMedNY Trading Partner Information Standard Companion Guide for more information. |
Q: | How long are files retained in the eXchange mailbox? |
A: | Files are retained for 28 days in your eXchange mailbox. To ensure the availability of your files for an extended period of time, save them to your PC or network when you receive them. |
Q: | Does eXchange support automated scripting? |
A: |
Automated scripting of the eXchange online access and entry process to eMedNY is forbidden Warning: eXchange provides individuals the ability to submit batch transactions to eMedNY over the Internet using their browser. However, automated programmatic scripting of the eXchange online access and entry process to eMedNY is expressly forbidden, and will result in your user ID being revoked. Scripting is a process of storing transactions in a computer file and programming the computer to submit them in rapid succession expecting online responses. This can create serious performance problems in eXchange and unnecessarily inconvenience other users of the product. If you need information about automated interfaces to eMedNY, please visit our website: www.emedny.org , and select NYHIPAADESK. If you cannot locate the answer to your question(s), call the eMedNY Call Center at 800-343-9000. |