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Provider Enrollment > Medicaid Managed Care Network Provider Enrollment >Medicaid Managed Care Provider Enrollment Questions

Medicaid Managed Care Provider Enrollment Questions






How do I confirm I am actively enrolled in NYS Medicaid?



Category: General


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 01



I am not actively enrolled in NYS Medicaid. Where should I go for more information?



Category: General, Form Completion, Communications, MCO Communication


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 02



I am already actively enrolled as a NYS Medicaid fee-for-service provider. Do I have to submit another application?



Category: General


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 03



If I was previously enrolled in NYS Medicaid and am no longer actively enrolled, may I keep my original Provider Identification number (PID), also known as MMIS ID?



Category: General, Form Completion


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 04



If I am a practitioner and do not wish to enroll as a NYS Medicaid fee-for-service billing provider, is there another option?



Category: General, Form Completion


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 05



If I am an organization (e.g., business, group practice, institution) and do not wish to enroll as a NYS Medicaid fee-for-service billing provider, is there another option?



Category: General, Form Completion


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 06



Am I required to accept Medicaid fee-for-service patients when I become enrolled with NYS Medicaid?



Category: General


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 07



Why did I receive my application back in the mail?



Category: Form Completion


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 08



Our board member(s) refuse to provide their social security number. Will our enrollment be processed without this information?



Category: Form Completion


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 09



The instructions indicate an application fee is required for my category of service. Why do we have to pay the fee, what is the application fee amount, and to whom should the check/money order be payable?



Category: Fee


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 10



If I can't pay the fee, what is needed to request a hardship waiver?



Category: Fee


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 11



How will providers be notified that they are required to enroll in NYS Medicaid?



Category: Communications


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 12



May Managed Care Organziations change the sample provider outreach letter to make it plan appropriate? (i.e. MLTC instead of MMC)



Category: MCO Communication


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 13



Is there a way to prevent providers, who contract with multiple Managed Care Organizations, from receiving multiple notices?



Category: MCO Communication


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 14



Is there a list of provider types that are exempt from enrollment?



Category: Communications, MCO Communication


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 15



Will a list of enrolled providers be given to the Managed Care Organizations?



Category: MCO Communication


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 16



Will the State be providing a copy of the August 30, 2017 PowerPoint presentation?



Category: General, MCO Communication


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 17



Why am I required to enroll in NYS Medicaid if I am a Managed Care provider?



Category: General, Communications, MCO Communication


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 18



Are non-emergency transportation providers required to enroll?



Category: Other


Published: 10/4/2017


Updated: 10/4/2017


QID: 19



Is the FFS active provider list the same file that is downloaded from PNDS? File name = "MMIS Validation".



Category: MCO Communication


Published: 12/5/2017


Updated: 12/5/2017


QID: 20



Does the FFS active provider list include providers who are sanctioned by Medicaid?



Category: General, MCO Communication


Published: 12/5/2017


Updated: 12/5/2017


QID: 21



Can the FFS active file be updated daily as there may be issues with claims pending without daily feeds?



Category: Communications, Managed Care Network Eligibility


Published: 12/5/2017


Updated: 12/5/2017


QID: 22



If we contract with a business that provides nursing services, do the individual practitioners /nurses need to enroll as well as the business?



Category: Other


Published: 12/5/2017


Updated: 12/5/2017


QID: 23



I am required to be enrolled in Medicare as a prerequisite to enroll with NYS Medicaid but I opted out of Medicare a year ago and cannot enroll with them for another year. What should I do?



Category: General, Form Completion, Communications, MCO Communication


Published: 12/5/2017


Updated: 12/5/2017


QID: 24



Are pharmacies and prescribers required to be enrolled as of 1/1/18?



Category: Pharmacy/Prescriber , General


Published: 2/22/2018


Updated: 2/22/2018


QID: 25



If a script for a prescription drug is to be filled after 1/1/18 that is written by a prescriber without a MMIS (Medicaid ID) number, is the plan supposed to reject that claim; if this is the case, when should plans start rejecting claims from prescribers that are not enrolled?



Category: Pharmacy/Prescriber , Managed Care Network Eligibility


Published: 2/22/2018


Updated: 2/22/2018


QID: 26



Will members be denied their medications at the point of sale if the pharmacy provider is not enrolled by 1/1/2018?



Category: Pharmacy/Prescriber , Managed Care Network Eligibility


Published: 2/22/2018


Updated: 2/22/2018


QID: 27



Are the listings of enrolled pharmacy providers available and how current are such listings?



Category: Pharmacy/Prescriber , General


Published: 2/22/2018


Updated: 2/22/2018


QID: 29



Are providers such as Planned Parenthood required to enroll as a pharmacy since they dispense contraceptives?



Category: Pharmacy/Prescriber , General


Published: 2/22/2018


Updated: 2/22/2018


QID: 30



Is each pharmacy location required to enroll and have its own Medicaid ID to stay in an MCO Network?



Category: Pharmacy/Prescriber , Managed Care Network Eligibility


Published: 2/22/2018


Updated: 2/22/2018


QID: 31



What are the enrollment requirements for the in-state and out-of-state pharmacies?



Category: Pharmacy/Prescriber , Communications


Published: 2/22/2018


Updated: 2/22/2018


QID: 32



Do ordering, referring, prescribing providers that are non-par with plans but service Medicaid beneficiaries need to be enrolled?



Category: Pharmacy/Prescriber , Managed Care Network Eligibility, General


Published: 2/22/2018


Updated: 2/22/2018


QID: 33



Are supervising pharmacists required to enroll in the State's Medicaid program?



Category: Pharmacy/Prescriber , Managed Care Network Eligibility, Form Completion


Published: 2/22/2018


Updated: 2/22/2018


QID: 34



Are there exemptions, waivers or streamlined enrollment procedures for licensed non-resident pharmacies that only fill prescriptions for members participating in the State's Medicaid Managed Care program?



Category: Pharmacy/Prescriber , Form Completion


Published: 2/22/2018


Updated: 2/22/2018


QID: 35



What lines of business are impacted by the enrollment requirements specified in the 21st Century Cures Act?



Category: General


Published: 2/22/2018


Updated: 2/22/2018


QID: 36



Many plans contract for pharmacies through a Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM). For pharmacy providers that do not apply for a Medicaid ID, do they need to be removed from the network, or can plans just deny the claims with the message "Not a NYS Medicaid provider; please contact the Plan"?



Category: Pharmacy/Prescriber , Managed Care Network Eligibility, Communications


Published: 2/22/2018


Updated: 2/22/2018


QID: 37



NYS Medicaid only enrolls licensed practitioners. How should claims be paid for unlicensed residents, interns and foreign physicians that are in training programs that are legally authorized to write prescriptions, per NY Education Law under the supervision of a NY State Medicaid enrolled physician?



Category: Pharmacy/Prescriber , Other


Published: 2/22/2018


Updated: 2/22/2018


QID: 38



A Personal Care Agency is listed as a type of provider needing to obtain a Medicaid identification number. Licensed Home Care Services Agencies (LHCSA) typically did not have a Medicaid id number because they could not bill Medicaid. Are LHCSAs now required to obtain a Medicaid billing identification number?



Category: General, Managed Care Network Eligibility, Other


Published: 4/3/2018


Updated: 4/3/2018


QID: 39



For the upcoming CFCO carve-in, are non-traditional MMC providers included in this implementation?



Category: General, Other


Published: 4/3/2018


Updated: 4/3/2018


QID: 40



As a PACE program that exists as both a MLTC and direct provider of services, is NYS requiring the PACE organization itself to enroll or is the PACE organization only expected to operate as a MLTC in this situation, and ensure all network providers, that are providing care/services under contract, are enrolled with NYS Medicaid?



Category: Managed Care Network Eligibility, Other


Published: 4/3/2018


Updated: 4/3/2018


QID: 41



Do providers need to enroll that are directly hired by the PACE organization to provide services, that is, members of the interdisciplinary team (e.g., physicians, PT, OT, RN, etc.)? If yes, are they to enroll as non-billing?



Category: Form Completion, Other


Published: 4/3/2018


Updated: 4/3/2018


QID: 42



If a MCO has a LHCSA license for the provision of home care services but does not contract with themselves, do they enroll their LHCSA?



Category: Other


Published: 4/3/2018


Updated: 4/3/2018


QID: 43



Does the enrollment requirement apply to MLTC, FIDA and PACE network providers?



Category: MCO Communication


Published: 4/3/2018


Updated: 5/22/2018


QID: 44



Are Social Day Centers required to enroll?



Category: General


Published: 4/3/2018


Updated: 4/3/2018


QID: 45



For pharmacies who do not opt out and do not submit an enrollment application by 7/1/18, on if DOH does tell MCOs to terminate contracts at that point, are these pharmacies to be given fair hearing and appeals rights?



Category: General


Published: 5/9/2018


Updated: 5/9/2018


QID: 46



Will plans be able to execute single case agreements with providers who are not enrolled in Medicaid FFS?



Category: General


Published: 5/9/2018


Updated: 5/9/2018


QID: 47



Will DOH release template notices for providers and members?



Category: General, Communications


Published: 5/9/2018


Updated: 5/9/2018


QID: 48



Will a model letter be sent out to Plans regarding provider termination requirements for members impacted and if so, when should Plans expect this to be sent by DOH? When should the letters be sent to members impacted by the Plan?



Category: General, Communications


Published: 5/9/2018


Updated: 5/9/2018


QID: 49



Will the format of the provider file remain consistent going forward? Plans would like to automate a process to bump that file against plans network



Category: General, MCO Communication


Published: 5/9/2018


Updated: 5/9/2018


QID: 50



When will an updated pending provider list be sent out or posted?



Category: General, Communications


Published: 5/9/2018


Updated: 5/9/2018


QID: 51



Can the application date be added to the pending application list?



Category: General, Communications


Published: 5/9/2018


Updated: 5/9/2018


QID: 52



Can a LHCSA, that completes an enrollment application check off that it wants to be a billing provider AND managed care only (non- billing) if it bills managed care plans but intends to bill a county sometime in the future?



Category: General, Form Completion, Managed Care Network Eligibility, Other


Published: 5/9/2018


Updated: 5/9/2018


QID: 53



Does this requirement apply to fiscal intermediaries? If so, does the fiscal intermediary need to have another Medicaid provider number if it is a LHCSA and already has a Medicaid provider number (not for the fiscal intermediary)?



Category: General, Managed Care Network Eligibility, Other


Published: 5/9/2018


Updated: 5/9/2018


QID: 54



The 21st Century Cures Act has a deeming clause for out of state providers that provide services to NYS recipients. If the provider is enrolled in that state's Medicaid program, they are deemed to be enrolled. Why do they also need to enroll in NYS Medicaid?



Category: General


Published: 5/9/2018


Updated: 5/9/2018


QID: 55



Will New York State introduce new encounter edits for enrolled prescribers and/or pharmacies?



Category: General, Communications


Published: 5/9/2018


Updated: 5/9/2018


QID: 56



Can the Active Medicaid Fee for Service Provider file be updated to include the specialty codes used in the quarterly Provider Network Data System (PNDS) provider file?



Category: General, Communications


Published: 5/9/2018


Updated: 5/9/2018


QID: 57

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